Population Control - Pixelmon plugin for blocking specified species of Pokemon from spawning in GriefDefender claims

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Population Control. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

Population Control is a Sponge plugin that utilizes GriefDefender’s API to allow server owners to use a command to block the spawning of a specific species of Pokemon in the claim that the command sender is currently standing on.

So, obviously, this plugin depends on GriefDefender!

For example, if in a Swamp biome and you feel like way too many Muk spawn, you can run 1 command and no more Muk will spawn in that claim.

Do keep in mind, though, this depends on GriefDefender. Also keep in mind that if you type the command to block a spawn in the global claim, that Pokemon won’t spawn anywhere anymore.

Commands and permissions:


Permission node: popcontrol.command.admin

Usage: /popctrl register []

A new version has been released for Population Control, it is available for download here.

Plugin for setting a blacklist of specific Pokemon species to prevent them from spawning in GD claims

A new version has been released for Population Control, it is available for download here.

Plugin for setting a blacklist of specific Pokemon species to prevent them from spawning in GD claims

What command to change it back in case I decide to add the block spawn command?

A new version has been released for Population Control, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed plugin crashing/throwing errors when trying to save the UUID variable of the claims to the Hocon configuration file

  • Added an experimental player module to the plugin - works similarly to the plugin’s main functions:

    /popctrl addhome []

    Requires permission node: popcontrol.command.player

    If the player types this command in a claim that they own (the plugin will check) then that claim will register the Pokemon specified as a “no spawn”.

A new version has been released for Population Control, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed plugin crashing/throwing errors when trying to save the UUID variable of the claims to the Hocon configuration file

  • Added an experimental player module to the plugin - works similarly to the plugin’s main functions:

    /popctrl addhome []

    Requires permission node: popcontrol.command.player

    If the player types this command in a claim that they own (the plugin will check) then that claim will register the Pokemon specified as a “no spawn”.

You would just go in the config and remove it. I’ll add a remove command in the next update.

A new version has been released for Population Control, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed plugin crashing/throwing errors when trying to save the UUID variable of the claims to the Hocon configuration file

  • Added an experimental player module to the plugin - works similarly to the plugin’s main functions:

    – /popctrl addhome []

    – Requires permission node: popcontrol.command.player

    If the player types this command in a claim that they own (the plugin will check) then that claim will register the Pokemon specified as a “no spawn”.

  • Added support of the use of “any” to stop all spawns in claims, both admin and player-owned

  • Updated to SpongeForge 7.3

A new version has been released for Population Control, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed plugin crashing/throwing errors when trying to save the UUID variable of the claims to the Hocon configuration file

  • Added an experimental player module to the plugin - works similarly to the plugin’s main functions:

    – /popctrl addhome []

    – Requires permission node: popcontrol.command.player

    If the player types this command in a claim that they own (the plugin will check) then that claim will register the Pokemon specified as a “no spawn”.

  • Added support of the use of “any” to stop all spawns in claims, both admin and player-owned

  • Perhaps? fixed spawning errors on Generations version due to my use of PlayerPokemonSpawnEvent vs SpawnEvent

  • Updated to SpongeForge 7.3