I’m trying to find a way to generate a 6000 x 6000 map of a fresh server. I am used to doing this via WorldBorder (/wb fill) and /dynmap fullrender, but as WorldBorder is not available as a mod, I am wondering if there’s another mod / Sponge Plugin that I can use to pregenerate the chunks in a 1.8.9 SpongeForge. Admin Command Toolbox and ForgeEssentials don’t seem to work
I am using the Realistic Terrain Generation mod on the server, not vanilla. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here asking how to pregen the chunks in Sponge/Forge in the first place.
The functionality is there, but sadly, I couldn’t find any plugins that use that (maybe there are some hidden complications?). I’m sure someone will eventually react to topic in Plugin Requests, and would write plugin for that.