Pregenerating chunks


I’m trying to find a way to generate a 6000 x 6000 map of a fresh server. I am used to doing this via WorldBorder (/wb fill) and /dynmap fullrender, but as WorldBorder is not available as a mod, I am wondering if there’s another mod / Sponge Plugin that I can use to pregenerate the chunks in a 1.8.9 SpongeForge. Admin Command Toolbox and ForgeEssentials don’t seem to work

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

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AFAIK dynmap is available for forge and if you are using SpongeForge you should be able to use it

It’s not Dynmap that’s the problem, it’s the lack of a mod to pregenerate the chunks before a fullrender.

Pretty sure DynMap can pregenerate chunks. Been a few years since I used it so I might be mistaken

Nope, dynmap can’t do that ^^
However it should not be very difficult to create a plugin like it…

That would be extremely helpful if someone could - I’m hopeless when it comes to Java :confused:

Ok idk if it’s been released for 1.8.9 but JourneyMap Server might be of use for that

JourneyMap is indeed available however not sure it provides pregenerating chunks

The client version doesn’t but the Server version does via the AutoMap feature

Tried Journeymap, didn’t really help. Why can’t we just have a lightweight chunk pregen Sponge plugin?

With tools like worldpainter why is anyone still using default world gen?

There are many custom world gen plugins/mods for which pregeneration would be useful.

You could try the 1.8 pre-release for this mod.

I am using the Realistic Terrain Generation mod on the server, not vanilla. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here asking how to pregen the chunks in Sponge/Forge in the first place.

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The functionality is there, but sadly, I couldn’t find any plugins that use that (maybe there are some hidden complications?). I’m sure someone will eventually react to topic in Plugin Requests, and would write plugin for that.

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I really need this as well, forgeessentials is broken and does not pregen chunks, I tried to get support in their irc channel without any success.

I have not found any sponge plugin that will pregen the chunks.

I’ve added this feature to Project Worlds.

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