Project Cryogen - Looking for Artists, Builders and Developers

If needs be i would we happy to have this as Paid work to a certain extent, as im pushing for Top Quality stuff here! :smile:

I’d like to help with building and terraforming.
I’d consider myself a quite good builder and a good terraformer.

I guess I could also help with development a bit. I’m like 2% into Bukkit/Sponge plugin development atm, but I could certainly help with general algorithms and bugfixing and stuff.

I could help out developing plugins. (But I’d rather not build… It’s more of a gamble wether it turns out well)

:chart_with_upwards_trend: February Update :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Development has really ramped up in the first two months of 2015, and we are very proud to say we are nearing an alpha release!

However, we are still looking for an experienced Graphic designer, and web designer to work with us on the website currently at:
if you are intersted in all the latest updates, including weekly developer updates of all the internal goings on with production join us on our forums at or follow our twitter @

We thank each and everyone of you guys who continue to support us through these development stages!!
Seeing you soon,

Tip: For the forums, make sub-categories like-colors (such as different shades of ).


50 shades of gray ;)?


Please, use SSL encryption on, at least, the login pages for Discourse/Wiki.



We are working on getting a valid SSL certificate. When we have one I will setup https access. We really don’t desperately need SSL at the moment, the site is in a development stage and is not intended for use at the moment. If you don’t feel secure using it, don’t, I will post here when SSL is enabled.

Valid certs only take about 20 minutes to setup (assuming the mail runs slowly).

If you guys need someone who can configure it on your server, give me a holler.

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Cough Cloudflare’s-use-a-self-signed-cert-and-we’ll-fix-it-with-a-front-end-cert Cough

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I prefer to not use Cloudflare.

Outside of having to reverse proxy every connection to collect real userdata, it causes quite a few issues with a lot of software.

Of course, it’s great with static sites to save bandwidth, and with enough dedication and general knowledge of how to workaround the issues that come with it, you could have Cloudflare run well with a site like SpongePowered does.

But I just prefer to do it myself.

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Look, I am going to explain this once, and not again. We are going to get something completely legitimate and long term. We will get a certificate that properly identifies our organization as the owner of the site. Once we have something permanent in place, all sites will be configured to use https by default using that certificate. This will happen once the project manager pays for the certificate, we have not gone through the decision process of choosing an authority to get it from, but believe me we have the intellectual capacity to do it ourselves. I appreciate the suggestions but that is how it has been planned from the start. Please end the discussion on SSL we have a plan and we are sticking to it.


Sorry, couldn’t help myself :trollface:

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This quote is either in dire need of a comma, or profusely confusing.


Hey I might be willing to help out with this, are there any dev spots left or even possibly any forum staff spots. Not the best builder but I am great at managing things. I would even possibly be willing to work on a custom plugin if you all need help with that. Let me know who to PM. :wink:

No it doesn’t. Not at all.

It looks like it uses xenforo

It used to, you could tell it had stuff like wp-content and other stuff all over the source, besides that was back in October.

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We now have an official, public Slack! Go ahead, sign up! It’s for everyone to have a little chinwag with us!

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