Project Portals

The latest SpongeForge is built for that version of Forge, it has nothing to do with me. All of that is pretty clear on the SpongeForge downloads page. It is always recommended to match Sponge with the version of Forge it was built for. I’m just trying to eliminate any issues that could cause problems


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tried on both the forge and sponge version you listed. Same result

Is Bungee support in 0.12.4 or only in 0.11.3 ?

Hi, what is the permission to interact with a portal ?
I try pjp.portal.interact but it didn’t work.

If you have advanced permissions enabled in the config the permission would be pjp.portal.<name> otherwise it is pjp.portal.interact

It’s supported on both

Thanks for the fast reply.

Have you got a guide to set it up with Bungee ?
I have SpongyCord installed on all the servers, but everytime i try to create a portal to a specific world, ie. Workbench or Lobby. Then a error occures saying that the world is not loaded ?
Im missing something, just not aware about what it could be :S

Simply add the -b flag /portal create test server2 -b

But whenever I use that command there is no response. No message, or any errors… Its just blank…

I can teleport to the server just fine by using /server servername.

Both servers are running with the newest version of Project portal(0.12.14) and Spongycord(1.1.0).
And they are both running SpongeForge 1.10.2…

I just can’t seem to find out what is the issue.

Thank you for your time…

I don’t have advanced permissions, and it doesn’t work :confused:.
Here are the permissions that I set: -pjp.cmd


PJP works great on my server, but I have one slight problem. When ever I move around in the world, I see duplicates of a portal I made out in a distance. They’re not real portals I can go into, but they appear from a distance and disappear once I get close to them. Is there a way to remove them? Thanks.

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I believe this is a bug that occurs when a mod or plugin (or vanilla) populate an unloaded chunk, it ends up populating the chunk reused for empty chunks. this is why you see it repeated.

I didn’t know you could get rotated versions of it though.

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I was just going to comment with the same thing. If I re-log they’re still there, but not portal shaped, just small squares. Very odd.

Also I THINK if the server does a world save it halts your progress when making a portal. I’ll have to try to be sure, but after I filled in the portal, and typed /portal save noting would happen. I restarted and tried 4 times, and noticed the world saved while I was working the last two (not sure if it happened the first two).

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Try setting a different particle see if it still happens.

I made a portal using REDSTONE and SMOKE_LARGE, and they seem fine. I don’t see duplicates of those particle types.

Figured. The default effect type is different than the rest. It actually sends a client only block change. The client thinks there is a portal block there but physically on the server nothing has changed. Makes me question whether a mod is modifying data packets or something. Not really my field of expertise.

The mods I currently have installed on my client are: MinecraftGUI, OptiFine, TF2 Stuff Mod, WorldEdit, and WorldeditCUI. Do you have any of these mods installed @Chimera?

Just world edit.

I know its not your field of expertise @TrenTech, but do you think it could be WorldEdit?

Honestly I have no idea. I haven’t produced any problems like this so I’m just speculated at this point. Most I can say is experiment. Try individually removing mods/plugins on client and server until the problem goes away and you’ll have your answer.

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