Project Worlds - World Manager

What I’m saying is if you’re running a 1.10.2 server, you should be using API 5 as it’s still maintained. If you’re running 1.11.x or 1.12.x, then you can use API 7. So why do I need to support a third branch?

Tk u,i’ll try it

Hi there,

i tried this, my problem is that the plugin seems completly oblivious to all the world’s i have, i can copy and modify the base world that’s the start world of the server config and that’s it.

I have 3 world’s within the base folder of forge:

i cant import or load or enable any world but brunn (base start world)

/world list only show’s brunn. Any command fails with something like: “no values matching worldname”.

Thx for any help, bye.

All additional worlds should reside in the main world folder, not the server root

i have a few questions about this plugin!
first, how do i create a biomes o plenty world?
second, how do i make it so when you tp to a world it automatically puts you in hardcore mode? is that possible?
third, how do i make a superflat world?


Hi TrenTech,

Could you telle me why your job is not on Ore portal ? Do you need help for that ? I love your work but I hesitate to use it because I’m afraid it becomes less popular by being less visible. I would love it to be maintained many years :wink:

With kindest regards

Honestly just haven’t had the time and when I do I tend to focus on development. Kind of falling out of touch with all this recently.

When using forceGamemode and Gamemode on worlds. It doesnt seem to auto switch the gamemode when transferring worlds

Trying to have a separate creative world.

Just keeps me in survival instead of forcing creative

I anderstand. If I can help, tell me. :slight_smile:

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What verision of spone and ProjectWorlds are you running. I’ll do some tests and see what’s up.

I always welcome help. It would be nice to have some people around to help maintain the forums and downloads stuff. I’ve been lacking on the documentation since the start. I’ve realized it’s been holding my projects back quite a bit. I overextended myself in the beginning as you can see by the number of plugins I have hosted here Unfortunately It’s come to where I may have to chose what I decide to continue to support and what I set aside.

Pretty much anything anyone can provide for assistance would help a lot.


It may help :

SpongeBootstrap 0.6.0 and the Worlds for 5.x

I’ll test what Encu_Lator posted. I was testing it with admin permissions so most likely that was my problem.

Did you remove the /world fill command? I’m using the projectworlds-5.2.0-0.11.6 version and that command seems to be missing.

Yes. The same task came be accomplished with ProjectBorders

Where is the doc ?

What does /fill do?

Is there any way I can tell it to create a 1.8 CUSTOMIZED world type with all sorts of tweaked generation settings? Or a skylands world that includes biomes o plenty biomes? Or a skylands world with a jagged floor and ceiling? Thanks.

Creating a world with Biomes O’Plenty as generator does not work as explained anymore(?) in 1.12.2. BIOMESOP is reported as non-existent. Best tip is to use autocompletion after -g. The generator name I had to use for Biomes O’Plenty was biomesoplenty:b_i_o_m_e_s_o_p.

  • Minecraft Forge 1.12.2-
  • Sponge Forge 1.12.2-2529-7.0.0-BETA-2730
  • Project Worlds 7.0.0-0.12.0
  • Biomes O’Plenty 1.12.2-