QuestionsTime - Ask questions and gain prize for the winner

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, QuestionsTime. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.



The plugin will say questions you have created, and give a prize for the first player who find the answer ! But beware, malus can also be given for those who give a wrong answer.
A lot of things are configurables: the prizes, malus, time between two answers, delay to answer, propositions…

NB: The items prize can be modded items




  • 2 Types of question
    • Simple: answer hidden
    • Proposition: Show multiple propositions
  • Prizes can be money, items and commands. You can disable the announcement
  • Malus can be money. You can disable the announcement
  • Cooldown between two answers to avoid spamming
  • Timed question
  • Weight: the more weight a question has, the more likely it is to be asked
  • Answer given by players can be hidden
  • Minimal players required to launch a question
  • 3 modes to define how the questions are asked:
    • fixed: a new question is asked after a cooldown
    • interval: a new question is asked between a minimum cooldown and a maximum cooldown
    • manual: questions are asked only manually, with /qt ask (permission required: questionstime.command.ask)

Create a question

  • Type /qtc and follow the steps.
  • You need the permission questionstime.command.create.


The files are created during the plugin launch. If you want to reset a configuration file, just delete it and relaunch the server.


File: config.conf

  • mode :
    • Define how the questions are asked:
      • fixed: a new question is asked after the cooldown
      • interval: a new question is asked between minCooldown and maxCooldown
      • manual: questions are asked only manually
  • cooldown :
    • The time in ticks after a question will be asked. The mode field need to be set to fixed
  • minCooldwon / maxCooldown :
    • Defined a period between minCooldown and maxCooldown in ticks during which a question can be asked. The mode field need to be set to interval
  • minConnected :
    • Defines the minimum of players connected required in order to ask a question
  • personnalAnswer:
    • If true, the answer given by a player isn’t shown in the chat
    • If false, the answer given by a player is shown in the chat


File: message.conf
You can modify the messages displayed by the plugin.
Some lines have “components”, a word between brackets that will be replaced by the plugin to display information. You can’t change, add or remove a component.

Ideas to implemented

  • Multiple answers
  • Reload config
  • Adding the author of a question
  • Multiple winners with different prizes according to their position
  • Execute commands as malus
  • General statistics
  • Statistics per player
  • When someone found an answer, he can’t respond again if the question is re-asked
  • Change question information (prizes, time between two answers…) through a command
  • Repeat a question only if all the other questions have been asked
  • Show the current asked question to the players who connected after
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A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

I have forgotten to delete some tests classes :s

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A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

  • The question can now give malus if an answer is wrong
  • Add a config option to hide player’s answer
  • Add a config option to set the minimum players connected to the server in order to ask a question
  • Remake the prize view to be more readable

The next update will add the ability to create question in the chat ! o/

Any chance of getting a version that runs on MC 1.10.2/Sponge 5.2?

E: Just noticed file sizes, files after the initial release are empty.

I just checked and you’re right o_0
I don’t know what happened…
I will release the 1.0.4 with the “create question” command soon, if everything goes as planned. I will keep an eye on it and deleted this two useless versions :wink:
And for a MC 1.10.2 / Sponge 5.2 version, I will see, it depends of the changes to made.

And a last little thing :
Do I made English mistakes in the description ? I’m French, and I can make simple mistakes without my noticing…

A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

  • Deleted useless files
  • More readable item
  • Set the minimum of player connected to ask a question
  • You can give malus if a player give a wrong answer
  • The answers given by players can be muted
  • Bug : The winner received several times the prize


Salut à toi Nocturne 123 et merci de configurer ce Plug-in qui m’a l’air génial ! Malheureusement, la dernière version ne corrige toujours pas ce problème de dossier config vide ce qui rend l’utilisation du Plug-in impossible. Penses-tu pouvoir y remédier? :confused: J’ai un serveur Sponge/Forge 1.10.2 (5.2.0) Merci à toi :slight_smile:

Le problème vient du fait qu’avec la version de 5.2.0 de Sponge, une méthode n’est pas présente, d’où le fait que le fichier de config soit vide. Je suis entrain de le rendre compatible avec cette version. Par contre, elle n’aura pas la commande pour créer des questions sans avoir à toucher au fichier de config.

The versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.2 are only compatible with the version 7.2.0 of Sponge. I’m currently making it compatible with the version 5.2.0.

Some news :

  • Sorry if the update take a long time to be release, but I had a website to create as a homework, so everytimes I opened my computer, it was to create this website. But I finally gave it back !
  • The compability with the version 5 of Sponge (Minecraft 1.10.2) is done.
  • I just need to finish and fix bugs of the question creator.
  • I fix a bug on the way (If you create a question with a prize/malus and you don’t set money or items, and this question he’s said, the next question is never said).

A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

Version 1.1.0

Tested with Sponge API 5 (MC 1.10.2) and Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)


  • Create question with the command /qt create
    • You no longer need to touch the config file, just follow the instruction !
    • You need the permisson questionstime.command.base to acces the command, and questionstime.command.create to create question
  • Compatible Sponge API 5 (MC 1.10.2)
    • You asked for it, now you have it !
  • Metada/Damage item can now be number !
    • The “text” version is only compatible with Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)


  • If a question had a prize or a malus with money, but the server didn’t have a economy plugin, the next question was never asked.


  • On loading, the plugin’s text in the console are more readable
  • Some minor text changing in the console
PS: I have added many ideas in the todo list, what do you think ?

A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

Version 1.1.1

Tested with Sponge API 5 (MC 1.10.2) and Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)


  • Message.conf
    • You can modify the messages displayed by the plugin to customize or translate them.
  • Timer
    • You can add a delay to answer the question. To do this, add the line “timer” in a question node and write how long players can answer. Note : it’s not in ticks but in seconds, the minimum is 10 seconds and the maximum 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.


  • If a player or everybody are creating a question and a question is asked, the plugin stops working.


  • In the Question Creator system, the answer for the last question is not longer “yes” or “no” but “start” and “save”.

If you have an idea or you want to an idea to be made before the others, tell me !

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I’ve corrected some spelling mistakes and made a french version of the main page.

Also, I need you :
If an item have a custom name or/and a lore, the symbol “[+]” is added. I’d like to know if you want me to add the
possibility to change this symbol in the message.conf, and if the custom name and/or the lore is shown if you point
your mouse only at the symbol or for the whole sentence.
Answer here :
Thanks !

I know it’s been 6 months I didn’t give news, but I come just to say that the plugin isn’t dead.

I was almost finish the new version when my hard disk dead, and I lost every motivation to continue. And I had a big test after that. But now, I’m in a server projet and my motivation comes back.

I don’t know when the new version will bring out, but I’m here if you have any question or if you found a bug.
Also, I see that the page in french was deleted, I don’t know if I will re-upload it.

EDIT: Ha, and the API used will be the seventh. Bye bye version 5 !

is this working for sponge minecraft 12.2

Dose this work for sponge minecraft 1.12.2

I tried and he seems to have a bug with the config file. I fixed it, but I have some problem to publish this new release :disappointed_relieved:
EDIT: I need to wait 3 days for publish the plugin :confused:

A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

Version 1.1.2

Tested with Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)


  • Config file wasn’t created.

If you have an idea or you want to an idea to be made before the others, tell me !

A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

Version 1.1.3

Tested with Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)

Message changement

The message.conf file follow now HOCON format. I recommend you to do a copy and delete your file to let the plugin generate the new version, and replace the messages.

  • The path question.end.timer is now question.timer.end
  • The path reward.prize.announce is now reward.announce


  • You can give item with a custom name and lore. See the example in the default config. If a item have a custom name, his name will be display instead of his type in the prize announcement.
  • The number of proposition of a question can go up to 127.
  • You can add a delay between each answer with time-between-answer.

If you have an idea or you want to an idea to be made before the others, tell me !

A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

Version 1.1.4

Tested with Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)


  • The timer message was sent too often

A new version has been released for QuestionsTime, it is available for download here.

Version 1.1.5

Tested with Sponge API 7 (MC 1.12.2)


  • personalAnswer was misspelled in the config file
  • The timer message could be sent twice