Random and sometimes consecutive crashes

Wondering if someone can help me with these, it’s been getting to the point of at least 4 crashes a day

Pixelmon 4.2.7
(not actually sure about forge since the jar is named “custom”)

(from latest today to yesterday)

…and a lot more

Or if someone can direct me to somewhere else that I can seek help. That’s be appreciated too!

and what happens when you update to SpongeForge 1666? cos that’s what i’m running on the Pixelmon 1.8.9 test server and don’t have this issue

Pixelmon is notorious for causing ConcurrentModificationExceptions. Blame them.

if you read the stacktrace you would see that the issue is 100% an issue with timings, the OP has the RB 1.8.9 SF and has issues running /sponge timings report, i am running Pixelmon on SF 1666 (ie latest) and can run /sponge timings commands as much as i like with 0 CMEs. 99.9% of our CME causing code is gone so this is definitely not Pixelmon

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This is the same as the crash reported here:

Except for the first crash which looks like some sort of memory leak

Thanks! Updated and no related crashes so far :slight_smile:
EDIT: Just kidding. Happened again