Regarding dataholders/datacontainers and chunk /chunks in m emory/ chunk unloading

According to the documentation, data saved in a dataholder/datacontainer persists in memory only and needs to be serialized for persistance, deserialized after server reboot.

If i made a datacontainer object that was spaced out 1000 blocks in all directions making a grid of my map (Lets say 12k x 12k so 169 spots), serialized the data, and deserialized that data on server reboot… would this end up forcing the load of these 169 chunks?

Would the chunks need to be loaded all the time for the data to persist?

Would the data existance force the chunk to remain loaded and counter the unloading of player-free chunks?

Would having a data container/holder object scattered at much higher frequency, ie, player chests or furnaces , thousands, result in thousdands of chunks loaded and locked on, and quickly spiral the server into a tailspin? Is it best to wait for a player to interact with a chest/furnace in order to deserialize the data to check something from it, and then destroy the data during a chunk unloading event?