RegionGuard - A plugin to protect territories

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fix ClassNotFoundException

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Added an additional check for the presence of mod wecui on the player’s client.
Corrected one typo in Russian localization.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fix commands /trust, /untrust
Fix pickup item listener.
Fixed a bug that occurs on the server Forge without mods required on the client side when connecting a player with a vanilla client.

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A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Optimization and fixes.
It is recommended to delete the players cache before updating. now only purchased limits are stored in the cache.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Speedup region creating/claiming
And an attempt to fix the loading regions in the worlds created by plugins. Need more tests.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Region resizing fix.
Added a message when a region loading error occurred due to the inability to convert the string with the world identifier into a world key.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fix commands to sell block/claims etc. limits.
Modified the data loading code of the plugin. If the region loading fails, it will be skipped and the loading will continue. If the loading of player data fails, the configuration will be resaved with default values.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Deleting incorrectly saved files.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fixed resizing of regions.
Fixed operation of the ‘Entity-Spawn’ flag.
Added method to API to exclude a region from plugin cache without deleting it.
Now if you create a child region inside an administrative region, the server will be its owner.
Added ability to set welcome and goodbye message on child region.
Added an option to the regions configuration to replace the display of the owner’s name with the nickname of the joined in player.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fix Entity-Spawn flag(again…)

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fix interact entity flags

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fix Explosion-Surface flag.
Fix Entity-Spawn flag for arrows

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Added forge Explosion listener.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Improvements in listening for explosions

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Fixed a rare crash caused when a player fast-loads chunks containing regions in the additional world Sponge.
Fixed an implicit memory leak occurring when regions are present in the Sponge additional world.
Fixed Fire-Spread and Entity-Damage flags.
Region search speed has been more than doubled. As well as optimized flag checking.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

This version is not compatible with previous releases.
Changes have been made to the plugin API. Now it should be more convenient.
The formats for writing to configuration and database files have been changed.
Added dependency on CommandPack plugin.
The code of the plugin commands has been reworked. Now autocomplete of arguments works much better by using Raw type command API in CommandPack plugin.
Changed command schemes responsible for changing player limits.
Fixed various minor bugs in the code.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Block entities for example from the Create mod are now allowed to spawn by default.
Unfortunately, I haven’t found a way to get the block id, as the mod uses its own mixins to change the entity class. In future updates for 1.19.4, I plan to introduce a separate flag for block entity spawning. Possibly without parameters.

A new version has been released for RegionGuard, it is available for download here.

Updated the plugin’s command code considering the latest changes to the CommandPack API.
Added an alternative variant to listen for WeCui packet receipt on SpongeForge.
Sending WeCui packets is now done through the CommandPack API. Reflexion has been removed and the code is highly optimized.
Added /rg clear command to clear selection points and remove the time region.
Fixed errors when the plugin works on SpongeForge.
Block entities for example from the Create mod are now allowed to spawn by default.