Removing Minetweaker commands MC 1.10.2


I am configuring Age of Engineering modpack server and currently have one issue with minetweaker that i can’t find a way how to block it’s commands (/mt, /minetweaker, /minetweaker3:mt, /minetweaker3:minetweaker) main issue with this is that /mt reload causes lag for ~10 seconds and probably some other issues.
Minetweaker forge mods: ModTweaker2-2.0.11 and CraftTweaker-1.10.2-3.0.26

I am using LuckPerms-Sponge-3.2.37 permission plugin and also did try pex v2.0 to see if it can block this command.
Both of these permission plugins don’t log minetweaker commands.

Is there any other way i can block use of minetweaker commands from ingame especially for default users ?

people shouldn’t have perms for it unless you OP everyone
the permission nodes are, minetweaker.command.minetweaker and minetweaker.command.ct

I set these permissions to my user and it still allows to use minetweaker commands this user does not have OP.
Also running “lp verbose on” does not log minetweaker nodes at all.
With pex v2.0 in debug mode it also did not log minetweaker commands at all.

Is there any way how to override this command ?