I’m currently looking and in hopes that its possible to create a biometp plugin that can search within a radius for specific biomes. Any ideas?
It’s an interesting idea!
I’ve been trying to create that plugin but I keep running in the same wall.
While trying to look for the requested biome near the player I keep getting an error with Vector3d. Could someone explain to me why this goes wrong?
Location<World> NewLocation = PlayerLocation;
while (matching) {
NewLocation = PlayerLocation.add(100, 0, 0);
//[...] And so on in all directions
The error seems to come from “add()” as I get:
The type com.flowpowered.math.vector.Vector3d cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
Thanks to anyone,
Faegy - A want-to-be developer
I think this happens on the new sponge forge versions.
@Faegy you haven’t set up your workspace correctly, please see the tutorial