[REQ] NoFallDamage Plugin

Would anyone be willing to create a fast; small, and simple NoFallDamage plguin? It’d be very useful for those of us that don’t have the talent or experience in creating plugins/mods like some of you.

If anyone feels like doing this,

Have custom data you can assign to an entity that if found on the player cancels the fall damage,
a command to toggle it for a given player, make sure it has permission.

Have a config so players can use it standalone, and have it automatically apply to players.

Optional: per world, so people can disable fall damage in their lobbys etc, but leave it on in the survival world.

Doing this will enable other plugins to either run your commands when they enter an arena, area, region, world, and custom flag plugins can potentially make flags, which apply and unapply the custom data onto entities when they enter / exit regions.

CustomData means that anyone serializing entities, doesn’t have to worry about reapplying their noFallDamage to the entity when it gets restored.

Or ignore this advice, and just wait for people to continually ask you to add features.

That… is a weird comment.
Anyways, if you are looking for something simple, I know that Hassan’s Polis disables fall damage if in a SafeZone. But I don’t know if you do need the rest of the plugin - that’s another matter.

While polis may be an ideal solution for region areas; I’m in need of something abit more gloabally thus i can leave survival hunger on; but disable fall damage and have keep inventory enabled. (for pixelmon) The problem with fall damage + hunger + keepinventory is the pure fact that people just kill themselves to regain their hunger bar.

Would something like this work for you? All it does is cancel damage events when entities take fall damage, period. Note that it’s built against API 4.0.3, so any of the implementations that target 4.x should still work with it.

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I don’t see multiple entries of the plugin :confused:

Re-download the plugin now please.

same thing happend

In case you missed it on IRC gab, http://puu.sh/p1mbI/b25a729c4a.png There are 2 copies of the mcmod info, and the class file.

This release should work now, some issues are existing in SpongeGradle, so we’ll be fixing in the future.