We’re experiencing rollbacks on each server restart.
We are running /save-all on a 5 minute interval
Only some chunks are being rolled back. Many save but many chunks are not. How can we fix this?
How are you restarting the server? Are you running “/stop” and ensure it fully finishes?
Yes we are running /stop and then 2 minutes later it runs /start
/start isn’t a command as far as I am aware…
not to mention that if the server is stopped, how can it listen for the /start
Multicraft. The server starts. That’s not the issue. The issue is rollbacks.
What sponge build are you even using? Always specify essential information if you expect to get help.
We’re running on latest versions:
Sponge: 2073 1686
Is there any log files provided by Multicraft?
Check the bat file there using to start the server. and check the commands for stop ect to insure its actually saving and not just terminating the cmd.
here is what my bat looks like for my server.
:: When setting the memory below make sure to include the amount of ram letter. M = MB, G = GB. Don’t use 1GB for example, it’s 1G ::
:: This is 64-bit memory ::
set memsixtyfour=20G
:: This is 32-bit memory - maximum 1.2G ish::
set memthirtytwo=20G
:: Don’t edit past this point ::
if $SYSTEM_os_arch==x86 (
echo OS is 32
set mem=%memthirtytwo%
) else (
echo OS is 64
set mem=%memsixtyfour%
java -Xmx%mem% -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar forge-1.10.2- nogui
and i wouldn’t really use multicraft. just do it manually, way easier.
We’re getting this error on each restart.
Trying to figure out what is causing it to fix it and hopefully rollbacks will be gone. Any clue?
We had this issue as well. All I did was adjust my script to have a longer pause before it ran our startup script. What was happening was our server was lagging on close, almost hanging for about a minute longer than it should have. So the server was starting again before the world files were saved from the last saves/restarts.