Running Sponge 1.9

I grabbed SpongeVanilla, SpongeCommon and SpongeAPI for the 1.9 branches and was able to get it to build and get some 1.9 features (elytra does not work). I was wondering where I could find out information about the different branches like 1.9-multiworld etc… and if you need anyone to test things like elytra not working etc… also should I file bug reports for plugins that are having some issues… is it worth plugin developers even looking at, at this point? Thanks

Kind regards



Many thanks for trying it out!

Mainly, you’ll want to be testing as much of the 1.9 branch as a majority of development is stable in that branch (that’s what will be eventually merged into master when the time comes for release).

Elytras were fixed in the latest commit to 1.9, so thanks for reporting that.

Yes, you would want to submit bug reports as issues, most of the time on SpongeCommon (as 90% of the implementation that ends up breaking is there).

It would be worth having plugin developers start looking at 1.9 as we’re going to be adding new features and breaking changes with some test plugins distributed on the Cookbook repository.

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Elytra works great now thanks… I wrote a little bash build script that just pulls down and builds SpongeVanilla for me. I have been messing around with it for the past week.

However it seems, the previous worlds are not respected and with every new jar I drop in place, a new world gets generated. Is this done purposely? It seems to be only when the jar is replaced, If I leave the jar alone I can restart the server etc… and all is fine.

It’s definitely an issue and @Zidane is looking into resolving that bug.

Yup I filed an issue in github… in the mean time I’ll start work on my docker container for Sponge 1.9.