Is there any way I can get a 1.10 Plugin where you can buy commands with signs? Like for example, buying /pokeheal for 10k?
I too am interested in this. I’ve looked into ServerShops, and AdminShops, but those are all for buying items. How would I go about letting players buy commands like /spawn for the ability to teleport back to the main spawn hub, or /sethome /home to teleport to their home?
What you REALLY want is a buy PERMISSIONS sign system - not just commands, but a permission buying would have the ability for other abilities other than just commands.
How would I do that?
I was describing the plugin type you should be looking for, or requesting. A more generic buy-permissions system rather than “buy a command” plugin request.
I’d think that someone has something up their sleeve like this out there of some sort. I wrote one for my own bukkit server before, and do have plans to write my own in sponge soon as well but not for several weeks yet at earliest, if one doesn’t already exist – except all my plugins are for my server only, and I dont work within the framework of opensource code and the build environment and such that is required to share the plugin via ORE here otherwise I’d link you to a holding page for it at the very least.
As well, you have this in Discussions, when you really want to create a post in Plugin Requests