Serious performance issue with 1.11.2-6.0.0-BETA-222

Since version 1.11.2-6.0.0-BETA-222, a blank new server can used memory over 4GB, and use CPU to it’s cap. So I do a simple check to find what it’s going on. Result is below:

1.11.2-6.0.0-BETA-221 (Normal):

1.11.2-6.0.0-BETA-222 (performance monster):

Maybe it’s cause by lighting update? Or this high cost does not endless and will finally end? Or it does not affect server performance, because it’s “Async”?

Can you upload your server timings (/sponge timings on, followed by /sponge timings paste after letting the server run for a while)? Also, could you upload a screenshot from a profiler such as WarmRoast (with the nodes expanded)

This is due to a bug in the async lighting code. We’ll be pushing a fix shortly.

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Okay, thanks! :relaxed:

This is now fixed in the latest SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla.