Server cashed!NEED HELP![Description: Exception in server tick loop]

I use sponge 1538,1547 but server still cash.
My server always cash.
and always this minecraft cash repot
cash repot

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----

WARNING: coremods are present:
SpongeCoremod (spongeforge-1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1547.jar)
Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge

// Who set us up the TNT?

Time: 16-7-10 下午9:58
Description: Exception in server tick loop

at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(Unknown Source)
at java.util.HashMap$ Source)
at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72788_a(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at Source)

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

– System Details –
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.8.0_91, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 300307888 bytes (286 MB) / 1848115200 bytes (1762 MB) up to 7401897984 bytes (7059 MB)
JVM Flags: 6 total; -Xms4m -Xmx7400m -Xmn1g -Xss1m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 1, tallocated: 14
FML: MCP 9.19 Powered by Forge 23 mods loaded, 23 mods active
States: ‘U’ = Unloaded ‘L’ = Loaded ‘C’ = Constructed ‘H’ = Pre-initialized ‘I’ = Initialized ‘J’ = Post-initialized ‘A’ = Available ‘D’ = Disabled ‘E’ = Errored
UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.19} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
UCHIJAAAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.8.9-
UCHIJAAAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.8.9-
UCHIJAAAA sponge{1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1547} [SpongeForge] (spongeforge-1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1547.jar)
UCHIJAAAA cmdkits{1.1.1} [Command Kits] (CommandKits_v1.1.1.jar)
UCHIJAAAA commandscheduler{2.0} [Command Scheduler] (CommandScheduler-2.3.jar)
UCHIJAAAA io.github.hsyyid.commandsigns{1.1} [CommandSigns] (CommandSigns-1.1.jar)
UCHIJAAAA customnpcs{1.8.9_beta} [CustomNPCs] (DIGIKA_RPG_Npcs.jar)
UCHIJAAAA AntiCheat3{AntiCheat 3 Mod} [AntiCheat 3 Mod] (DiGiKaMC-FCAC.jar)
UCHIJAAAA digimobs{0.9.7e} [Digimobs] (DIGIKAMC0.9.7e.jar)
UCHIJAAAA economylite{2.2.1} [EconomyLite] (EconomyLite-v2.2.1.jar)
UCHIJAAAA io.github.hsyyid.essentialcmds{@project.informativeVersion@} [EssentialCmds] (EssentialCmds-1.8.9-8.1.12-universal.jar)
UCHIJAAAA com.github.games647.flexiblelogin{0.8} [FlexibleLogin] (FlexibleLogin.jar)
UCHIJAAAA keys{1.2} [keys] (Keys-1.2.1-1-g46a0267.jar)
UCHIJAAAA io.github.hsyyid.kits{1.7.4} [Kits] (Kits-1.7.4.jar)
UCHIJAAAA com.initianovamc.rysingdragon.landprotect{v3.4.0} [LandProtect] (LandProtect-3.4.0.jar)
UCHIJAAAA lootcrate{1.1} [lootcrate project] (LootCrate-3.3.jar)
UCHIJAAAA ninja.leaping.permissionsex{2.0-SNAPSHOT} [PermissionsEx] (permissionsex-sponge-2.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar)
UCHIJAAAA plotsquared{3.3.3} [PlotSquared] (PlotSquared-Sponge-3.4.0.jar)
UCHIJAAAA blue.lapis.pore{1.0.0-SNAPSHOT} [Pore] (Pore-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)
UCHIJAAAA{6.4.9} [RedProtect] (RedProtect_Sponge.jar)
UCHIJAAAA io.github.hsyyid.spongychest{0.4.4} [SpongyChest] (SpongyChest-0.4.4.jar)
UCHIJAAAA twentyticks{1.1.0} [Twenty Ticks] (twentyticks.jar)
Loaded coremods (and transformers):
SpongeCoremod (spongeforge-1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1547.jar)
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Player Count: 30 / 100; [EntityPlayerMP[‘xiaotao’/3062, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=711.09, y=64.00, z=-450.71], EntityPlayerMP[‘Yujunhao’/7475, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=702.63, y=64.00, z=-470.86], EntityPlayerMP[‘yaowuwang’/12977, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=1083.31, y=81.25, z=29.19], EntityPlayerMP[‘youran__’/17934, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=697.39, y=64.00, z=-466.61], EntityPlayerMP[‘badfish’/21273, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=748.65, y=67.00, z=85.95], EntityPlayerMP[‘Shine_Grey’/8401, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=708.85, y=64.00, z=-467.97], EntityPlayerMP[‘DOYO’/31946, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=689.96, y=63.42, z=-467.74], EntityPlayerMP[‘LongZhu_TV’/40773, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=764.25, y=71.25, z=-445.87], EntityPlayerMP[‘cloe’/45632, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=574.70, y=76.02, z=592.67], EntityPlayerMP[‘bai_bo’/2631, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=701.84, y=68.03, z=-475.72], EntityPlayerMP[‘ztltm’/3944, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=583.83, y=78.00, z=-1177.06], EntityPlayerMP[‘Confused’/6889, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=712.79, y=64.00, z=-464.44], EntityPlayerMP[‘ainiwuzui’/6591, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=490.32, y=75.00, z=-1214.72], EntityPlayerMP[‘bo_luo123’/31787, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=694.78, y=64.00, z=-464.14], EntityPlayerMP[‘Lonely_heart’/87710, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=712.13, y=64.00, z=-453.38], EntityPlayerMP[‘Ye_Tian’/44719, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=709.04, y=64.00, z=-474.50], EntityPlayerMP[‘xuanxuan’/7160, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=582.80, y=77.00, z=-1172.49], EntityPlayerMP[‘bannian’/6106, l=‘town’, x=8.00, y=49.00, z=-5.97], EntityPlayerMP['JueYe’/3332, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=-74.68, y=77.00, z=-632.75], EntityPlayerMP[‘zaifff’/112987, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=677.78, y=64.00, z=-443.03], EntityPlayerMP[‘Vampire_XiaoYu’/130662, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=355.30, y=68.00, z=-245.24], EntityPlayerMP[‘sao_bi’/37102, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=1024.31, y=72.00, z=-1312.68], EntityPlayerMP[‘xiao_wen’/36338, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=735.34, y=69.00, z=-475.65], EntityPlayerMP[‘11067’/5033, l=‘town’, x=-145.51, y=49.00, z=-113.78], EntityPlayerMP[‘xiao_pan_’/139140, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=1058.30, y=78.00, z=89.30], EntityPlayerMP[‘Xuan_Ran_Meng’/53247, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=1531.66, y=65.00, z=-460.36], EntityPlayerMP[‘ning_jiang’/109284, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=1134.25, y=73.00, z=-569.36], EntityPlayerMP[‘xiaoyuxuan’/132720, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=699.81, y=64.00, z=-462.93], EntityPlayerMP[‘meng_xiatian’/147981, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=212.50, y=74.00, z=-1154.50], EntityPlayerMP[‘doudou_meng’/151160, l=‘DigiWorld’, x=735.25, y=70.00, z=318.10]]
Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to ‘fml,forge,sponge’
Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)

NEED HELP ! Who can help me?

No need to bump this thread only after 16 mins.


I posted the same error in the thread below yours. We have two mods in common, SpongeForge and CustomNPCs. I’m gonna assume it’s CustomNPCs since the Sponge dev said a mod is spawning entities off the main thread. I posted in the CustomNPCs thread asking Noppes if his mod is the cause of it.

If you assume that it’s CustomNPCs I’d recommend just simply trying to remove it and see if you still get the crash.


but what should i do? i don’t why

I added asynchronous checks to the EntityTracker in latest SpongeForge. Update to latest to see if you get a different exception.

Okay,thank you a lot.


I added asynchronous checks to the EntityTracker in latest SpongeForge. Update to latest to see if you get a different exception.

so you can download and update sponge to latest!

Update to 1563 then post your logs when it happens so we can find the culprit.

Using 1563, I haven’t had a crash in 15 hours. It’s probably safe to assume that the issue is fixed, I usually have 46 crashes every 24 hours.

Can you post your fml-server-latest.log and latest.log? Need to see which plugin was causing your issue.

Sure thing, the files are pretty big for pastebin so I have to dropbox it:

fml server latest: Dropbox - File Deleted

latest log: Dropbox - File Deleted

The mod that caused your crashes in prior builds is PotionCore

[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/ERROR] [Sponge/]: Detected attempt to add entity 'EntityItem['item.item.GrimoireOfGaia.Shard_2'/26807091, l='world59', x=-3047.84, y=126.00, z=-133.77]' to tracker asynchronously.
 This is very bad as it can cause ConcurrentModificationException's during a server tick.
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.handler$onAddEntityToTracker$0(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72785_a(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72786_a(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70645_a(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70097_a(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.func_71059_n(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_71059_n(
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at
[13:59:06] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: 	at

It’s packet handler isn’t properly queuing packets to be handled on the main thread. I would remove that mod until they fix the issue. It’s also causing a ton of spam now in your logs.

the problem still

what should we do?

and the TPS always 4~6 whithout players.And only sponge forge MOD and digimobs MOD. i don’t know why…

Stop spamming threads. This is your only warning.

UCHIJAAAA blue.lapis.pore{1.0.0-SNAPSHOT} Pore
UCHIJAAAA twentyticks{1.1.0} Twenty Ticks

You should remove both Pore and TwentyTicks as both have been discontinued. You also need to pastebin your fml-server-latest.log

Please help me! blood!
i come from China. I can’t open dropbox
Please click download fml-server-latest
Open the link and click download. download. download Chinese meaning is “下载”
Please help me . i don’t install any plugin except DIGIMOBS MOD and sponge-1.8.9-1575
But the problem still.

Looks like it’s Digimobs’ fault; it happened when someone was evolving a Digimon. Could you report this to the Digimon authors? Make sure to include the fml-server-latest as well, particularly these lines:

[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.handler$onAddEntityToTracker$0(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72785_a(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry.tryTrackingEntity(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72786_a(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at org.spongepowered.common.event.CauseTracker.processSpawnEntity(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at$onSpawnEntityInWorld$0(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.evolve(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.addDigivolve(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.Intraining.EntityBukamon.getDigivolution(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
(stack trace continues, removed to save space...)
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/ERROR] [Sponge/]: Detected attempt to add entity 'EntityDigivolutionAnimation[''/401, l='town', x=-14.69, y=48.50, z=11.12]' to tracker asynchronously.
 This is very bad as it can cause ConcurrentModificationException's during a server tick.
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.handler$onAddEntityToTracker$0(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72785_a(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry.tryTrackingEntity(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72786_a(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at org.spongepowered.common.event.CauseTracker.processSpawnEntity(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at$onSpawnEntityInWorld$0(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.evolve(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.addDigivolve(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.Intraining.EntityBukamon.getDigivolution(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
(stack trace continues, removed to save space...)
[15:26:06] [Netty Server IO #3/ERROR] [Sponge/]: Detected attempt to add entity 'EntityGomamon['Gomamon'/398, l='town', x=-14.69, y=48.50, z=11.12]' to tracker asynchronously.
 This is very bad as it can cause ConcurrentModificationException's during a server tick.
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.handler$onAddEntityToTracker$0(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72785_a(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry.tryTrackingEntity(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72786_a(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at org.spongepowered.common.event.CauseTracker.processSpawnEntity(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at$onSpawnEntityInWorld$0(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.evolve(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.addDigivolve(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.Baby.EntityBotamon.getDigivolution(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
(stack trace continues, removed to save space...)
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/ERROR] [Sponge/]: Detected attempt to add entity 'EntityDigivolutionAnimation[''/407, l='town', x=-14.63, y=49.00, z=16.18]' to tracker asynchronously.
 This is very bad as it can cause ConcurrentModificationException's during a server tick.
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]: java.lang.Exception: Stack trace
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at java.lang.Thread.dumpStack(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.handler$onAddEntityToTracker$0(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72785_a(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry.tryTrackingEntity(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker.func_72786_a(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at org.spongepowered.common.event.CauseTracker.processSpawnEntity(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at$onSpawnEntityInWorld$0(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.evolve(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.EntityDigimon.addDigivolve(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Entities.Baby.EntityBotamon.getDigivolution(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at digimobs.Packets.DigivolveMessage$Handler.onMessage(
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Thread:dumpStack:1329]:     at
(stack trace continues, removed to save space...)
[15:26:51] [Netty Server IO #3/ERROR] [Sponge/]: Detected attempt to add entity 'EntityKoromon['Koromon'/405, l='town', x=-14.59, y=49.00, z=16.18]' to tracker asynchronously.
 This is very bad as it can cause ConcurrentModificationException's during a server tick.