Server Logging me all the time

Hello All I have A very very very bug problem

If i loge me to my server he logging me All the time but for the server i connected

I have spongeforge-1.11.2-2282-7.0.0-BETA-2356

a video fo the problem

Thanks for your help

Why does it matter that the server is logging you? That’s intended behavior.

Edit: Assumed ‘logging’, not ‘logging in’.

Is it the game sticking you at the login screen that’s the problem, or the fact that the server is logging items to the console?

Severe delay upon logging in can be caused by a number of different things. Client-side lag is one possibility, particularly for heavily modded servers. But it could also be an issue with a misbehaving plugin, bad chunks or world data, or even a corrupted player file.

Does the lag go away if you remove SpongeForge from the server?

No lag is always present

The map Can be corupt ??

i test with another map but the lag is Always

But the first start of the server i can be conect to this and now i can’t

Edit: is not Sponge but one of my mods 

With no offense meant, it’s very hard to understand you, and I cannot help but assume English is not your native language. Try using your native language, since there may be someone else on the forums who speaks it.

Meanwhile, if you create a completely new server, does it work fine? If so, it’s a world problem; if not, it’s your networking.

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Yes i’m frensh you can understend french

car ca serais plus facile pour moi d’ecrire français

Salut, on m’a mandatĂ© pour tenter de trouver une solution Ă  ton problĂšme :smile:

Dans les solutions proposées, on te demande quels mods tu utilises et si tu as essayé avec un serveur tout neuf.

En gros, tĂ©lĂ©charge la derniĂšre version marquĂ©e “Stable” de sponge et lance le normalement sans aucun mod. Ensuite, fais de mĂȘme avec sponge forge puis rajoute un a un les mods.

Il peut aussi y avoir le problĂšme de la carte corrompue et dans ce cas, essaye en changeant le nom du monde dans

Avec tout ça, tu devrais avoir au moins un cas oĂč tu peux te logger en jeu !

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J’ai dĂ©jĂ  testĂ© et oui c’est bien un mod qui fait crash

Donc pour moment je joue sans modes
 Je les rajouterais apres

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Quel mod en particulier ? Il faudrait le reporter pour voir oĂč se situe l’erreur et essayer de la rĂ©soudre.

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Je ne sait pas mais je n’ai pas essayer de chercher je chercherais plus tard