ServerTours - "Tutorial-paths" for new server members

##v0.1.1 released: Download


  • Added file(thanks to @Minecrell)
  • Changed name of plugin from de.randombyte.servertours.ServerTours to ServerTours

Oh cool man, more and more awesome plugins for sponge :smiley: Good job on this.

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For new plugins I’d recommend you don’t use qualified plugin IDs anymore because we essentially changed our recommendation with API 4.1 - unqualified plugin IDs (and qualified plugin IDs too) are compatible with API 5, although we will remove the special support for it once API 5 becomes the main branch.

E.g. once API 5 is out the qualified command to access commands for your plugin would be /de.randombyte.servertours:servertours instead of /servertours:servertours like it is right now.

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So for future plugins I should use just e.g. ‘pluginname’ as the id? What if two plugins have the same id?

… Then they have the plugin same ID and can’t be loaded simultaneously. You can check our discussion on GitHub:


Can this plugin be set to automatically run a command to set players to a certain permissionsex rank when they complete a specified tour?
I ask because I am looking for a way to automatically rankup guests once they read the rules.
I currently would have to set it to a tiny amount of time, say 5 to 15 minutes.

I can add a config value for a command that should be run after tour completion. In the command you then can use something like “$player” to get the player name.

tours {
    tourUUID {
        completionCommand = "rankup $player"

Do you mean that?

Yes, something like that.

Edit: As a matter of fact, if this feature is added I will definitely add your tours plugin to my server…actually, I think I’ll add it anyway.


@Valorn_Exhio, sorry for that delay.

##v1.1 released!
The changelog is at the above linked page. Also read the changelog of v1.0!

How do i set it so that when a player joins, he goes through that tutorial.
It would also be cool to be able to set an ending point, and change the text so that it shows infront of your face instead of chat. My chat moves to fast for this plugin.

Also, anyway to freeze the player, so I can have them overlook stuff and not just fall when going to that waypoint.

That means, an other plugin can let the player go through a tour. That’s so small, I think that should be scripted instead of making a plugin: SpongeJavaScript.
I won’t add that into this plugin because it’s so specific.

Ending point, freezing players and text as a title may be implemented soon™

I’ll just get another one then, this lacks to many features for a “server tutorial.”

What about a feature where servertours mutes chat while the player is on tour?

Also, RandomByte mentioned freezing players and text on the screen instead of chat as a feature they would be adding soon.

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Setting an ending point already is possible:
In the config, see completionCommand for a Tour and set it to something like tp $player 100 100 -200. $player gets replaced with the player name that completed the tour.

##v1.2 released!
The changelog can be found on the above linked page.

##v1.2.1 released!
The changelog can be found on the download page.

Interested in updating 1.12.2?
i need

I am full with commissions, sorry, I don’t have time for that right now.

P.S.: PR’s are welcome as always.

any plan to 1.12.2 update ?

Currently no.