🛡 [Anti-Grief|General Protection] RedProtect Universal (All APIs Compatible)

Okai thanks but i dont understand 1 thing :
what is the limite of claim ? claim-amount: 20 , what is the size of claim ? Same for redprotect.limit.claim.200: true , what is the size ?

Another question : player can set claim without place any block ?

I want that my players can make themselve the claim 1616 for defaut rank (1 chunk) and 1632 for vip rank (2 chunks) how i can do this ? its possible ?

Thanks !

There are different economy api, can you make for EconomyLite ?

@FabioZumbi12 Tem como vc ver isso do allow-mode no pixelmon? Preciso com urgencia

Vo ver sim, tbm preciso disso funcionando no meu ‘-’

Pode me add no skype?

There is an official economy system… In fact, it’s built into sponge. The only reason you need an economy plugin is because the economy API (included in sponge), has no default implementation. The API classes can be found here, and documentation/tutorial is here.

Skype: zumbi12

I dont know anythink about economy API of sponge. I will take a look, but the priority is fix the ArmorStands and projectiles breaking pictures and itemframes.

Can someone help? How to deny interact with armorstands?
And some problens: Projectiles remove paintinigs and itemframes, how to fix?

New release and fixes:

  • Fix fist run not creating files correctly;
  • Fixed blank globalflags.conf on generate;
  • Fixed player placing ArmourStands in other RPs;
  • More flags tested and working: PVP, GameMode, Enter, Commands, Minecart and Flow.


  • Not fixed: Interact with ArmourStands and Arrows removing itemFrames and Paintinings;
    (Can you help to fix this?)

I have two questions
1.I input /rp flag ,There is no GUI, this is because of some problems or Didn’t done?
2.I have already set /rp passives false(Also try to set to true),but I still can’t interact with NPCS in CustomNPCs,I placed a rabbit to do the test, the result is no matter he is in a state of true or false also can be attacked

Yes, GUI is not implemented yet, and the passive flags is only for entityes marqued as Ambient, Golem, Animals and Villagers, but i dont have tested this flag. I will try this today.

Sponge has vault built in.

Economy is a much wanted feature :slight_smile:


New additions and fixes:

  • Command reload working;
  • Auto update of config.conf if theres new configurations to add;
  • Claim and Block limit permissions is working (see config file on “permissions-limits” after run this version);

Download on “Snapshots Button”!


Here is the economy data.

Does this by chance create a world border?
I know 1.8 has one specifically, but when dealing with Pixelmon, you can still throw mobs through the minecraft border and then ride the Pokemon glitching outside of the border and so on.

This is why I enabled the land outside the world border to kill players faster the further out they go.

How in the world did you accomplish that?
Brutal, but amazing lol

It keeps deleteing my admin claim every few hours for some odd reason. I protect the main area, come back a bit later and it no longer has the region there anymore.

/worldborder damage buffer [sizeInBlocks]

Sets the amount of blocks a player may safely be outside the world border before taking damage. The default is 5 blocks. (I set this to 0, so they begin being hurt directly after going through)

/worldborder damage amount [damagePerBlock]

Sets the amount of damage a player takes when outside the world border plus the world border buffer. The default is 0.2 damage per second per block

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Thank you so much!

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Does this plugin support the layering of regions? As in can I do a global region, where I protect from placing, breaking blocks, then do smaller ones in it that would allow such thing? Similar to what you’d have with a worldguarded world that would be using towny, in bukkit terms.

Yep, you can do priority type regions. ;D
You can absolutely set the global config to build: false
and then make regions which allow them to build at a higher priority