🛡 [Anti-Grief|General Protection] RedProtect Universal (All APIs Compatible)

Complete Antigrief plugin supporting UUIDS and Mysql DB, and supporting OFFLINE servers too!

Read description, how to use and download form ore:


So could this be used as a replacement for say WorldGuard or Foxguard? Not sure what admin/op options you have for admins.

Yes, this can be used as replacement!

As op/admin you can add regions with /rp wand tool like worldguard, and then use /rp define to define a region or /rp claim to claim the region with you as owner.

Players protect the regions with fences (or any block you configure), then put a sign with [rp] on firt line and that is it!

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Thanks, exactly what I have been looking for!

YES. Thank you for porting this :smiley:

After I loaded the plug-in player cannot place or destroy the blocks, how to do?

Check the file glogalflags.conf in conf/RedProtect folder if the “build” is true.

anyone know if its possible to give perm to player to make claim themselves ? ^^ thx !
and good plugin you rock !

Oi, os jogadores nao estao conseguindo usar maquinas do pixelmon, Ja botei a flag /rp flag allow-mod true mas nao conseguem

You can give the perm for use /rp wand and perm to /rp claim. All perms you can see on wiki!

Não deu tempo de testar no pixelmon ainda, mas tbm vou usar com ele. Vc colocou allow mod e msm assin não conseguem interagir, é isso? Qual mensagem aparece quando tentam interagir com as maquinas do pixel?

it’s empty…
Regenerate the config??

But can we set the limit by rank ? Thx!

Does this plugin allow selling claimed builds with a sign and an amount?

Tipo com allow-mode false aparece a mensagem, mas quando coloco true nao aparece nada, mas nao conseguem interagir com as maquinas na mesma! Se puder me adicionar no skype agradecia, iyoungcash

Limit for blocks and claim ammounts? Yes, see the permissions examples on description for ranked players.[quote=“VinceOrlando, post:14, topic:11846, full:true”]
Does this plugin allow selling claimed builds with a sign and an amount?
Only bukkit version, with vault. If we have a oficial economy system, or an api like vault for this here, i can implement this for sponge too.


Tipo com allow-mode false aparece a mensagem, mas quando coloco true nao aparece nada, mas nao conseguem interagir com as maquinas na mesma! Se puder me adicionar no skype agradecia, iyoungcash

Só me falta isso pra poder abrir o meu server… Se puder ajudar

Okai thanks but i dont understand 1 thing :
what is the limite of claim ? claim-amount: 20 , what is the size of claim ? Same for redprotect.limit.claim.200: true , what is the size ?

Another question : player can set claim without place any block ?

I want that my players can make themselve the claim 1616 for defaut rank (1 chunk) and 1632 for vip rank (2 chunks) how i can do this ? its possible ?

Thanks !

There are different economy api, can you make for EconomyLite ?

@FabioZumbi12 Tem como vc ver isso do allow-mode no pixelmon? Preciso com urgencia

Vo ver sim, tbm preciso disso funcionando no meu ‘-’

Pode me add no skype?