Hey! I saw a lot of people requesting this, and exactly one year i was looking for this, i made one custom and cheap but now i wan’t to release a full version
Currently this project its in very early version, there is only some basic stuff and i don’t have the time to make it a big plugin, then please if you are a developer interested on this consider helping a bit with the project
This plugin is a very basic port of precious stones, you can search it on spigot, you can place protection stones
Use /ps to see all commands (They will be documented later)
How to use it:
Take a look at the config folder config/spongyps you will see stones.conf, limits.conf and others…
stones.conf contains the info of all protection stones, the file have some documentation
limits.conf contains the permissions info about the groups, you can create new groups and then use the permission sps.limit.mygroup, you can define how much stones of each type that group has, what is the priority of the group to add multiple groups to players
Now ingame you can use /ps limits to see how much protections you can place
Then just take the block type of one protection and place it sneaking, it will say you that the protection was created and then it will visualize the bounds
Hello, I put the PS on my server 1.10.2, at first the plugin loaded without problems, but I am not sure how to do the configuration of the database, could you help me how to make the configuration?
I know I have to put the settings in the config file, but I’m not able to make it work even though configuring.