:shipit: SeriousVote 4.8.4 ―Your one stop Votifier Listener API 5/6/7

These servers have been running fine before I tried running in Admin and yes EULA was set to true on all the servers, or else they wouldn’t have been working in the first place xD, though didn’t see the error line related to EULA in the screenshot… hmm So while running the server in Administrator it is unable to read the EULA text file or maybe can’t even read the servers folder? Which is weird since administrator should have given it a higher access level not a lower one? As for not running the server on windows, we are in the process of getting our own server rig built at the moment so we are currently stuck running it on a windows PC, We would really like to get voting to work before we launch :confused:

Anyone able to offer insight into why this vote config isn’t working? :confused:

Even copying and pasting the default one generates the same message:
Could not reload properly :frowning: did you break your config?

broadcast-message: “You voted!”
random-rewards-number: -1
“180”, “1 Gunpowder”, “give {player} minecraft:gunpowder 1”,
“200”, “1 Arrow”, “give {player} minecraft:arrow 1”
“adminpay {player} 250”,
“pbc &c{player} &ereceived &c250 beli &eand &c{rewards} &efor voting!”
hostname: “localhost”
port: “3306”
name: “SeriousVote”
prefix: “SV_”
username: “root”
password: "Hello I need a pasword Noob "

milestones: {
  weekly: {
      "say This is a set weekly {player} Reward"
  monthly: {
      "say This is a set Monthly {player} Reward",
      "acb {player} bananaphone"
  yearly: {
      "say This is a set Yearly {player} Reward",
      "say Crap, you must play alot"


Can’t see the issue just looking at it like that, suggest deleting your config, and restarting the server so a new configuration loads up, and change the variables from there.
Alternatively, copy your config onto pastebin or something where it keeps spacing so it’s easier to read and make sure there’s no problems there.

There’s an issue somewhere in the execution of the reload command I think.

Server up, brand new generated config in place. Copy it out and paste it back in and get the cannot reload message :confused:

Figured it out.
Can’t use question marks in the lore u.u Silly moi.

Anyone able to suggest why this command string breaks the config?
give {player} minecraft:tipped_arrow 5 0 {Potion:“minecraft:strong_harming”}


The answer is due to the unescaped " in the string.

Solution = give {player} minecraft:tipped_arrow 5 0 {Potion:“minecraft:strong_harming”}

Maybe works the same as this (from command kits).
If that isn’t working, a temporary way to go around it would be making a kit with nucleus, that gives that item, then “kit give {player}”. Or using aliases to give the item.
Both involve using another plugin to give the item, and using seriousvote to run a command for said plugin.

Under the random reward section, is it possible to run two commands under the same reward, like 1 in 100 chance of getting an item and if they get it they would receive the item and the server would broadcast that they got the item.

Have been waiting way too long for such a simple release. Update please.

A lot of plugins have slowed down with their updates. Think it’s attributed to different events and whatnot.
In North America, many colleges/universities are currently in their exam period (or have recently passed it); many things can stop an individual from updating their plugins.

My guess is that things will pick up in about a month when summer break starts.

And plugin devs aren’t obligated to update their own plugins :confused: You’re not paying them for their service.


You’re right of course. Didn’t think of the bigger picture. Thanks for your reply.

For the “random rewards”, is there a way we could have non-integar numbers? Our server has 5 sites you can vote on, so even setting an amazing item at 1% means they have a 5% chance every day, which is quite high if they vote daily. Setting thigns at .1% and even .01% would make voting balance out better for the more amazing items.

It isn’t a percentage chance. It’s a weighted ratio.
You can just up the integers to create equivalents for double or even triple percent chances.


How do you make it so the random lines run multiple commands?

Use something like command kits to run multiple commands at once

Whenever someone votes and receives more than one item, it says this:

What Serious Vote Version are you Using, what Sponge version are you using, what are you using to listen for votes. Also show your config.

Serious Vote 3.2-Bleeding (F)
SpongeForge 5.2.0
NuVotifier 2.3.4
Config: SeriousVote Config - Pastebin.com

Does this happen when you /givevote or does this also happen when a player actually votes. Also, could you upload some info such as the specific items they received. I’m assuming that your problem is that it says a bunch of thin, and that it happens every time they get more than one item. And if they get only one, it says the actual name you put in the config.

That is exactly what happens :slight_smile:

Happy 4th of JULY! (USA)
Great News! I have version 4.0 of Serious Vote.

It has a new Loot Table System it’s highly configurable and a lot more flexible including multiple commands per “reward”.
It has custom milestones, you can make your own milestones for votes! The “dailies” now have random rewards that can use already existing loot tables, new roll system faster and better. Bug Fixes!

Currently this version is undergoing testing and will be released most likely later today, if not tomorrow morning, I will leave attached a link to the new config if you would like to start setting it up before it’s released.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please let me know!

The next update will make it so the plugin works properly in the 1.11/1.12 API.
The Update after that will introduce the ability to give make different reward tables for different groups.

Click For 4.0 Config

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