SimpleGamemode - A simple way to switch between survival and creative

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, SimpleGamemode. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


If you are anything like me and the staff of my community, you were used to the old way of changing your gamemode in bukkit before the Adventure update was around where you did not need to specify what gamemode you wanted.

Ever since the day it has changed, we have had a simple plugin to help keep this small but necessary change for our community.




Simply type /gm .

It will automatically detect your gamemode and swap you between Survival and Creative! SimpleGamemode :wink:


Simplegamemode.gamemode - Usage of /gm


This plugin uses bStats to anonymously collect usage data.

You can disable this by going to config/bstats/config.conf.

All collected stats can be found here:


If you like what I do, Please consider giving a donation, every little helps! :slight_smile: Donate

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