SkriptLang on modern Sponge

Soak Skript

The SkriptLang plugin running on Sponge API 10 (1.19.4).

Why no ore

This plugin is the Bukkit plugin as it comes wrapped with a Bukkit to Sponge high level emulation layer (its not true emulation (low level), but more a compatibility layer) so im expecting compatibility issues with different scripts and therefore I wanted a soft launch.

I am also aware that the Sponge community has a few valid issues with Bukkit plugins running on Sponge so im expecting some blow back, but I have addressed the reasons to why Pore got discontinued in the Soak Github page



  • Working on API 12 version
  • NeoForge will be supported (however interaction with modded items and blocks will not be recommended … But can do it if you have a small amount)


Sponge forge is NOT supported currently

Downloads from Github actions due to soft launch.

  • Please login to Github before downloading
  • Download comes as a .zip, extract it to gain the plugin

If you cannot do the above then wait for the full release

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Thanks for the info I will try to figure it out for more.
Mary Kay InTouch

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