Sky Factory 3 MobSpawn lag issues and Compressed Blocks

Hi all, we have been having a few problems with lag on our SF 3 server related to the mobSpawn thing. And problems with Compressed Blocks.

Version we are using it:

Minecraft 1.10.2
SpongeAPI: 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT-152993a
SpongeForge: 1.10.2-2202-5.1.0-BETA-2084
Minecraft Forge:

We had around 20-30 players on the server and because we recently updated to the newest version of sponge we thought it might have fixed the mobSpawn issue but it hadn’t tps was around 6 and this was with mobs enabled, on the sponge timings report it showed it at 60% usage :confused: So we then disabled the spawning of mobs and it was still around 40% and causing lag problems.

The issue with Compressed blocks from ExtraUtils2 is when you place 1 block and mine it with a pick it will duplicate that 1 block into either 9 or sometimes 16 this happens with all ExtraUtils2 ones, please could someone look into it. It does not do it with the Ex Compressum ones this is only because we had one of our devs fix/code it so that this does not happen.

Not to mention the overall lag, SimpleAchievements has been cause some server lag as well on, this lag has been a problem since the server first opened (when the pack came out) we have been doing our best to sort it but are just unable to. (rare for tps to be above 10/12).

Mechanical Users also seem to cause multiple issues with the island plugin (this was custom coded by our Dev) but not sure if it is related to the plugin or the mod.

Have you tried collecting a few timings reports? Sponge implementations have Aikar’s timings module built in, and it can be helpful when trying to isolate the origin of server lag. Check out the SpongeDocs page here for more info.

Yes I keep checking the sponge timings report it changes throughout the day.
At the moment we have around 15-18 players on and mobSpawn is using around 30-40% (it goes up and down at times…) this is with natural mobSpawn off.

Here is a sponge timings report, I know at the moment it is not high but trust me when we get more and more players on it just shoots up, also you will see Refined Storage Controller is quite high as well, we noticed that if the controller is on a chunk border it can cause Major lag, the same goes with Quantum Qaurries. RS has been a lag problem for some time now as well!!

REPORT - Aikar's Timings Viewer

I can update you with another one tomorrow when we have around 30-40 players on, will be a lot different, can you also confirm if Simple Achievements is causing any server lag?

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Simple Achievements has a big hit when it does WorldSave, but what worries me more is the massive persistent lag from almost 10,000 tile entities. Something about the interaction between Sponge and the “House of Ten Thousand TE’s” is blowing up big-time. Is it possible to test without SpongeForge to see how much impact it’s having?

I don’t think it will be possible to test without it, I mean we could by transferring the current server files etc and make a copy of it and test it but this would be a TestServer therefor it would have no players on. We can’t remove sponge from our current server as this would mean no island protection. :confused:

This is todays timings report, I know that TileEntityTick is high as well, sometimes we are able to fix some of these things but not always.

This is already under investigation on the github… <.<

Hey, I was having similar issues. Have you gone looking through refined storage setups? I remember doing a warm roast profiling showing that was it busy processing external storage but it didn’t show up in the timings for some reason. I also know that the item collectors cause lag on farm setups that are too fast/broken.

One more thing, is the server tps at a constant low or is it fluctuating, if it’s fluctuating, tickProfiler can help you finding a source with the “s” flag. Dumps a stack trace when it detects a spike.

Hey, it just stays at a low point, so will be on either 5 tps for a while or 10 etc. About the tickProfiler, is this just a plugin that we have to add to the server and our client then we can use it?

Please explain more on “warm roast profiling” and how we are able to get it, thanks!

old sampler-profiler made by sk89q - Works great imo

and tickprofiler is a mod, it runs on the server. it adds more info to /tps and gives you the /profile command

Alot of it’s features are, one might say… Broken?
But it is still a useful tool.

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Hopefully in the next version of sponge it just gets fixed, the same with the Block Dupe from ExtraUtils2

As for XU2, expect nothing to ever be fixed it’s just a living nightmare. Something you might want to do is modify entity collisions in your sponge config, that might help depending on your issues. I’d consider Inscrutable 's measure of removing sponge and running the server. Run it without sponge on a map backup and have the players test it out for you.

Would be nice to have ExtraUtils2 Fixed, it is not a mod bug its an issue with Sponge. Tested in Single Players and no compressed blocks dupe so that brings it down to just being a sponge issue, hopefully they can fix it.

This is a known issue: Compressed Block duping (Again) · Issue #1193 · SpongePowered/SpongeForge · GitHub

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Hey Aaron1011, thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

I hope this issue with this and mobs are able to be sorted so we can 1) unban compressed blocks and 2) enable mobs for everyone again :slight_smile: