So I need some help with my Pixelmon Server

Hey, so I have a Pixelmon Server and I was wanting to do two things:

  1. I want to make it so everyone who spawns in spawns in with specific items, like a sort of kit type thing
  2. I would like a /pokeheal command that does the same thing as putting the pokemon in a healer (saw it on another server and instantly loved it)

Which plugins would I need and is there any tutorial type documents that would help me


Luke AKA RascallyPanda

For the first one, I recommend Nucleus, it’s a huge multi purpose essentials plugin. It has kits, one of which you can set to the “first time kit” so that new players will spawn with specific items. Specific documentation on that here, but there’s a whole section of documentation

As for the second, I don’t really know Pixelmon well, so I can’t help you there, but maybe someone else will know.

Best of luck with your server :slight_smile:

  • Alice Sellars

Thank you, you’re an absolute life saver, this is perfect

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Pokeheal is a default Pixelmon command, I thought. If not, then it’s part of a Pixelmon sidemod called Pixelmon Extras or PixelExtras. You can use a permissions plugin like LuckPerms to make a group for all players to be put in automatically and also set it to give them the permission nodes to use practically any command you like them to have access to (/tp, /pc, and /pokeheal included).

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Quick question, whats the prefix for pixelmon commands? I understand commands like nucleus.spawn, but what would (this part).pokeheal be?

All mod commands are in the format <modid>.command.<command name>
So your example of pokeheal would be pixelmon.command.pokeheal, you can find all the command permissions on the Pixelmon wiki page for commands here:

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