Today’s Topics:
- An Interview with kenzierocks
- Sponge Progress
- Quote of the Week
- Featured Topic of the Week
- Question of the Week
An Interview with kenzierocks
How did you come up with your username?
i have no idea
Where in Sponge do you work the most on?
selectors in API/impl
What were you doing before Sponge?
programming and other random stuff
Do you have any tips for people wanting to work on Sponge?
be polite
How long have you been programming?
3 years or more
What is the answer to the universe?
Nice talking to you, @kenzierocks!
Sponge Progress 
Sponge is progressing as expected, but many parts of the APIare still left unimplemented.
Things needing implementations:
- DataAPI - gabizou
- MapAPI - modwizcode
- Human Entity
- Explosion Events
Something interesting that should be looked into is a Fake Name/Skin API.
A new addition to the Sponge Support Team is @FerusGrim, otherwise known as “The Grim Moderator.” Congratulations Ferus!
Quote of the Week 
Featured Topic of the Week 
Question of the Week 
Which part(s) do you want implemented in the DataAPI first?
See: Implement DataManipulators · Issue #7 · SpongePowered/Sponge · GitHub , then post your response down below!
Check back every Saturday/Sunday for a new edition!
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