[Solved] Building Gradle Sponge Plugin Project Into JAR Problem

Hi! The probem is when I build my Gradle Sponge plugin project (with Kotlin), the output plugin isn’t packed into JAR file in build/libs (there is no “libs” folder at all). How can I fix that?

Are you actually running the jar/shadow jar task? Just building the gradle projects does not output the jars last I checked. My info may be a bit dated though.

That is definitely wrong, build is meant to be ‘everything needed for build at once’ (i.e. compileKotlin, jar, test, etc.).

Make sure you’re using the build task in the Gradle pane rather than the ‘build project’ option in the menu. IJ doesn’t integrate the task with the IDE action, mostly because there’s about sixty different things ‘build project’ could mean, from compile to deploy, and new ones can be added on the fly with the build script.

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Yes, that’s it. Thanks for help! I have never used Gradle before and I though ‘build project’ is for building jar.