[Solved] How do you spawn particle effects? Is this implemented yet?

I have been looking around the Player, Location, World, and ParticleEffect classes on github, but cant seem to figure out where the methods i need lie. Could someone point me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Solved: Click here

Thank you :smile:

After taking a look at the Particle API commits, i have come to this code:

			player.spawnParticles(game.getRegistry().getParticleEffectBuilder(ParticleTypes.HEART).build(), player.getLocation().getPosition(), 3);

I believe this should work, but i will not be home to check. Is this thread perhaps solved?

I’ll give er a test for ya

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Much appreciated @wingz :smile:

Yup, she works! http://prntscr.com/7fer3q

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Ever pretty, thank you so much!

Making as solved, i will write a solution in a second.

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