[Solved] NoSuchMethod Error on attempt to make a world with settings

Same code I used to make a world way back is failing on the creation of a world with specific settings. I’m pretty sure I’m setting the world up right, but anything’s possible I suppose:



API/implementation version mismatch probably? Are you developing against API 5.0 and running on an implementation for 4.x or vice versa?

my build.gradle file has:

    compile 'org.spongepowered:spongeapi:+'

Which I assume is bringing in 5.x?

Also possibly relevant: 

Yes, you need to specify that you are working with API 4.x for compatibility with MC 1.8.9. API 5 is for 1.10.2 and has breaking changes.

changed field to

    compile 'org.spongepowered:spongeapi:4.+'

refreshed dependencies, but same error as before.

That still means somewhere that have a mismatch of versions.

NoSuchMethodError only happens when you run a different version than you’re developing for.

Make sure you’re always using the latest build of Sponge for your MC version if you’re wanting to depend on SpongeAPI that way.

Usually I’d recommend sticking to an API level (such as 4.1.0 for the latest “stable” API release) to give you a stabler platform to test on. It really only makes sense to depend on the most recent, with 4.+ or 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT, if you require features added after the 4.1.0 release.

Both @ZephireNZ and @gabizou were right. I set my gradle file to only use 4.1.0, and used the last 4.1.0 spongeforge release on my server for testing. Alls well

Both @ZephireNZ and @gabizou were right. I set my gradle file to only use 4.1.0, and used the last 4.1.0 spongeforge release on my server for testing. No errors! :slight_smile: