[ SOLVED ] Octo's Ghost Lib - Would like revising

I think redstone ticks are 10tps. The server ticks run 20tps generally. Although if you need to use pistons in your contraption, they’ll probably break if you need to run it at 10tps

10Hz, that’s poor even for a '60’s computer, and presumably lots of latency because pistons take time to move. Well I guess I just regained my weekend. T.T

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Not to mention the amount of repeaters you’d likely need to extend the circuits, which offset everything by another tick at least. XD

When doing programming work, I’d like to point out that:
10 is not 2. 01 is 2. Computers in general and most software use big-endian order. IE, the biggest value is on the right-side end, and the smallest value (1) is at the left-side start.
You can test this in your favorite programming language by converting ints to byte arrays and seeing what order the bytes go in. (EG, 1i = 1-0-0-0, 256i = 0-1-0-0, …)
This tends to confuse beginner users of binary because decimal numbers are generally written in little-endian, thus why most classes teach little-endian binary, even though little-endian is rarely used in actual practice.
Hexadecimal is also written little-endian, which adds to the general commonness of little-endian binary.


I think I’ve toyed with the idea of BigEndian when trying to re-produce an NBT library earlier in my programming days. Failed somewhat miserably, but I think I learned that Java is BigEndian by default, and I’m not sure if they offer a decent way to set your operations otherwise.

I always used small on the right, so you can add them up as you read the number. That way you add the biggest numbers first and smaller powers of 2 later so the running total will never double.

With padding 0s on the left, I think that’s LittleEndian (what we were discussing earlier)

Right, so your running total will never double, the biggest it can get after the first 1 is one less than double the power of 2 for that place value, so you can see what number it is by just looking at it.

Oh, and computercraft uses LittleEndian, so I never needed to know otherwise. But that’s good to know.