[Solved] Some problems with Colors and Messaging MessageReceivers

Hi there :slightly_smiling:

I am having some difficulty working with Colors in text. I understand that the Sponge team has provided the Text builder API, however, for my use, this wont work.

There are a couple things that are causing me some difficulty. For instance if i try to create a message with color in it by hand (that is, without using the text builder API), i try this

Text.of("§bTest Message");

When i send this to both the console and a player, it is outputting “bTest Message”.

Is there any way to do this by hand, or do i have to figure out a way around this?

Secondly, I cannot seem to find a way to grab a TextColor without parsing the name of the color i want by hand (meaning, there is no TextColor.valueOf(String) or the equivalent) Am i looking at this the wrong way? I am so confused :frowning:

Thanks for reading :slightly_smiling:

The §-based color codes have been deprecated by Mojang. Use Text.builder("Insert Message Here").color(TextColors.INSERT_COLOR_HERE).build().

All the TextColor values are available in the similarly-named class called TextColors. Sponge often does stuff like this.

An equivalent to hard-coded colors (but the builder is recommended!! :slight_smile: ):

Text text = TextSerializers.formattingCode('&').deserializeUnchecked("&bTest Message");


Text text = Text.of(TextColors.BLUE, "Test Message"); //Shortcut builder method thing

An equivalent to valueOf():

String color = ...
 //Not present if 'color' is not a registered color
Optional<TextColor> colorOptional = Sponge.getRegistry().getType(TextColor.class, color);

Note that this works for ANY catalouge type, such as ItemTypes:

String itemType = ...
 //Not present if 'itemType' is not a registered item type
Optional<ItemType> itemOptional = Sponge.getRegistry().getType(ItemType.class, itemType);
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For more information, please see our lovely section about this on the SpongeDocs!


I’m guessing the reason you can’t use the TextBuilder is that this the is loaded, for example, from a config?

As mentioned, best thing to use in that case is the TextSerializers. formattingCode will use the old coded system, however you can also use TEXT_XML or JSON to use the full depth of the new system, it’s just slightly less usable then the old system due to all the new features.

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