[SOLVED] StartedServerEvent is firing but Initialization and preInitialization are not

Like the title says, my ServerStart event is working perfectly fine but PreInit and Init are not working at all. Pretty sure it was working yesterday.

I’m using SpongeForge 880 and 2.1-SNAPHOT

`@Plugin(id = "KRules", name = "KRules", version = "1.0")
public class KRules {
        private void onPreInitialization(GamePreInitializationEvent  event){
		log("PRE INIT<<<---------------------------------");
        private void onInitialization(GameInitializationEvent event){
        public void onServerStart(GameStartedServerEvent event) {
		log("This one works");

	void log(String t) {
		log(Level.INFO, t);
	void log(Level level, String t) {
		Logger.getGlobal().log(level, t, this);


Your handler methods are private, they must be public

… derp

I feel dumb.