What happens if the first set of numbers, if the same as the second xD
I believe the way Discord handles their server name/channel name thing is the default “lobby” that it starts you with has the same ID as the server.
Cool plugin, now I got to figure whether your plugin of technicpacks mod is better. http://www.technicpack.net/article/we-love-discord.125
I think it is hard to compare when this plugin work on Minecraft 1.8 (Vanilla or Forge) and the one from technicpack works on Forge 1.7.10 .
Many thanks for this tip. I will put this in the README soon.
The permission for broadcast is added .
I don’t know if anyone else is having this issue, but I am running the 1.1.0 version of sponge discord on sponge build 1045, and earlier today it just stopped communicating with our discord server, I try to logout and log back into the default user, but to no avail. Any help?
Edit: I have tried completely removing all the files and reinstalling, but still nothing. I have remade the config several times already. All it says when I attempt to login to the default account is “Logging into Discord…” but no failure or success message is displayed after.
I’m getting this as well, i assume that it’s some online database or something of the likes that it connects to is down since it was working just fine until recently.
I guess Discord changed something. I am investigating and will try to push out a fix as soon as possible.
After installing SpongeDiscord and configuring the config file and everything, I get “unable to remove cached token.” Any ideas?
A new release 1.1.1 has just been published, fixing problem connecting to Discord due to some changes in Discord API. https://github.com/nguyenquyhy/Sponge-Discord/releases/tag/v1.1.1
This works perfectly! Thank you so much for the update!
Great, sorry for the delay. I was so busy with work these days.
So how exactly is the bot setup go? Trying to look into it to setup for my pixelmon server but a bit lost.
I’ll put up a Wiki page with instructions today and get back to you then .
you should post 1.1.2 so people don’t have certain issues
1.1.2 is released. The update fixes a bug in 1.1.1 that the current thread is terminated when a user logs out, which usually disrupts the processing of other mods and may crash the server.
Is there a way you could make this show broadcast messages? Such as having it show everything shown in open chat?
Do you mean showing message from /say command in console?
Yep! As well as /broadcast