Sponge forge version 1.18.2

When will sponge forge version 1.18.2 be added?
I would like to see sponge- forge for 1.18.2


We get a lot of requests for a lot of different minecraft versions and sadly we didnt have the developer team to make a version for every Minecraft version.

Thankfully these days Forge (and NeoForge) has made it easier for us to produce updates (since 1.20.6)

We sadly wont go back and add versions of spongeforge to minecraft versions we missed as the developer team hasnt increased. But also our versioning system doesnt support going back. We now take measures to ensure we have a version number for mod targets in that we give a number to a minecraft release, if it becomes the mod target then it keeps it, if not it moves on (as in both 1.21 and 1.21.1 both had api 12 assigned, but 1.21.1 got it)