Sponge level dat crashes server

Whenever I launch my server with sponge in the mods folder, it crashes and spits out this log https://mclo.gs/BolkU99 . I’ve read other support posts and mine seems to be different because the world itself is not corrupted. IE it launches fine without sponge. Perhaps I need to delete sponge related files and the relaunch sponge as if its the first time. Is there any way to do that? If any other solutions please let me know!

Try deleting the sponge_level.dat files in the world folder, and replace them with the (.old) backup if needed, or just let the file regenerate on start-up.

tried both and it still doesn’t launch

If it’s the same error (which is java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception trying to load level_sponge.dat), then you may have missed one or two. Each dimension should have one.

Hey so I removed some mods(i forgot what) and sponge seems to work now I also basically made a new server and just pasted the region stuff and playerdata.

Now , while the game does work, it spams the following message into my log. If possible could you help me interpret what sponge is telling me? I thought it was my quantum quarry but even after disabling it the exception persits. Thanks!

[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /***************************************************************************************************/
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*                             Exception occurred during a PhaseState                              */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /***************************************************************************************************/
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* Sponge's tracking system makes a best                                                           */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* effort to not throw exceptions randomly                                                         */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* but sometimes it is inevitable. In most                                                         */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* cases, something else triggered this                                                            */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* exception and Sponge prevented a crash                                                          */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* by catching it. The following stacktrace                                                        */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* can be used to help pinpoint the cause.                                                         */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /***************************************************************************************************/
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* The PhaseState having an exception: Tick{TileEntity}                                            */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* The PhaseContext:                                                                               */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* org.spongepowered.asm.util.PrettyPrinter@76117884                                               */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*                                                                                                 */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*  StackTrace :                                                                                   */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     java.lang.NullPointerException: null                                                        */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.<init>(EntityPlayer.java:157)                      */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.<init>(EntityPlayerMP.java:158)                  */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraftforge.common.util.FakePlayer.<init>(FakePlayer.java:45)                        */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     com.rwtema.extrautils2.fakeplayer.XUFakePlayer.<init>(XUFakePlayer.java:32)                 */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     com.rwtema.extrautils2.quarry.TileQuarry.func_73660_a(TileQuarry.java:285)                  */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.TrackingUtil.tickTileEntity(TrackingUtil.java:237)  */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.updateTileEntity(WorldServer.java:4749)                     */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.redirect$zlm000$onUpdateTileEntities(WorldServer.java:4733) */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:1838)                                     */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:3931)                         */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:767)                 */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:397)       */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:668)                 */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:526)                          */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*     java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)                                                        */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /*                                                                                                 */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* Minecraft : 1.12.2                                                                              */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* SpongeAPI : 7.4.0-5ea6215                                                                       */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* Sponge : 1.12.2-7.4.7                                                                           */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* SpongeForge : 1.12.2-2838-7.4.7                                                                 */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /* Minecraft Forge :                                                                  */
[16:17:20] [Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: /***************************************************************************************************/

So the issue is this


Doing a single google search it is the mod of extra_utils_2. What the actusl issue is is something only the mod developer can tell you. But it would have crashed the server however sponge protected the crash