I am going from Bukkit to Sponge! I figured its time because I am also
creating a modded server and I want to know my way of a great server
type like Sponge. Anything I should know about or try to avoid. Any bugs
or glitches that I should know? How much difference is there between
Bukkit and SpongeVanilla when making a server? Any good plugins?
Anything you got will be helpful. Thanks!
(This has been moved from Sponge category because of wrong category.)
A lot of things that were very simple in Bukkit are much more complicated in Sponge (though that might change in the future). So that’s the first thing to bear in mind.
Also a few things are still not implemented, such as inventory api stuff. It (Sponge) is still in beta, so even things that are fully implemented might be a bit buggy.
Other than that, it’s turning into a pretty good and usable framework for plugin development.
Which things? I’m curious
Data and event causes, for example. It’s not always clear what you can get or set with them.
Never mind. I thought the post was talking about plugin development.
Well… OP asked about setting up a server, not developing plugins.
I asked the question as i don’t think that installing/administrating a Sponge server is more difficult than doing it with Bukkit
Hum yeah from administrative standpoint it’s not that much more difficult (aside from not being able to /reload plugins, but I’m well aware of all the reasons people have given for that).
I also assumed that the question involved plugin development.