Sponge Should Feel "Clean"

Sponge Should Feel “Clean”

What I mean by this is that the text formatting for Bukkit wasn’t very “Attractive” and looked rushed

Would You Prefer?


In my opinion,

We should use the native styling

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I’m afraid that this has nothing to do with Sponge itself. Formatting the messages is going to be a plugin’s job. As for the preference, it really depends on your personal taste. They’ve only added that new formatting a couple of versions ago. I’d see why veterans would prefer the first one, while newer people would prefer the second one. That’s just how I’d feel about it :wink:


Oh Ok, Thanks!

But Bukkit made there own, are sponge not going to?

I doubt it. They’ll probably just leave the vanilla command in charge by default.

Im Sorry, I’m new to all this forums stuff.
so your saying that /give in sponge will appear as /give in minecraft? or Forge?

yes, I think that would be good.