Sponge Should Have a GUI

I’m not talking about a full MCMyAdmin, a single page with a console, ram usage, cpu usage. The console can be updated with javascript with the tcp api of minecraft and java usage can be fetched from the system itself. Not that heavy considering that if you are running a GUI, your aren’t on a server but a PC.

I understand that. I would design it in a similar way fetching updates. I would use json as a payload to receive the updates.

I can agree with this; IMO all servers should be running on the core version of tinycore Linux. It is 9mb big, and uses 1mb of ram to idle, compared to windows 7 idling at 1.3Gb ram usage.

Pfft 1mb, gonna need more ram

*goes on NewEgg*


* goes to tigerdirect.ca instead *

you put a single / before the first asterisk

Now I think a simple javascript one can embed into an existing webpage would actually use less resources. espechily considering you can use a commandline interfaced OS and still have a nice gui interface using another PC and web-browser. Beyond this, it would allow remote administration without SSH thru a website you would likly be hosting anyway for your server.

sorry a \ not /

I’m using useful software for my bukkit server, http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bukkitgui/. It will probably work fine with Sponge too, but it will need to be updated / ported over to Sponge to work properly. :stuck_out_tongue: So, I don’t think Sponge needs a GUI, I also find the GUI of minecraft_server.jar annoying to be fair.
Edit: It is only for Windows 7 and Windows 8.

I’m still gonna’ push that embed-able php or java script for server control.

I personally wouldn’t use this gui as it can eat up loads of cpu power on the server, and the console in it is harder to work with than the plain console version of it is.

I completely agree with you. I just tried to answer this thread xD.

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I really don’t see the point of this because:
SSH and other CLI tools,
(Sadly) Web control panels like CraftOS, Multicraft etc,
Vanilla minecrafts remote access support

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I strongly second this, GUI can be implemented by a plugin, server query or even a wrapper.

Hmm, Looks good,Im trying that right now

Oh, Windows Only, Im Running Mac


Everything that can open a TCP socket can use the RCON remote console. Javascript can open TCP sockets and so can PHP (afaik).

Here it is, looks just like Vanillas; although it’s missing the Threading and Chunk cash infos, this could be corrected

Will the Chunk info and Thread info etc be Implemented.

The only reason I use McMyAdmin is because it makes it easier to manage Users & Groups, Monitor Ram & Cpu & Scheduled Tasks

OP spoke about a web panel. What if the Sponge server had the option of hosting a web panel that could manage the server via browser? Having a GUI with a jar is not useful for headless servers, but if you can connect to that server’s private IP and view its panel – that would be awesome.

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