Sponge for Forge runs atop MinecraftForge and would use Forge’s GUI, which is the normal Minecraft Server GUI. With Forge, it is already possible to run without a GUI, as most servers do.
The inclusion of a new GUI with UPnP, I believe would only be for those who intend to run something of a small private server on their home network or the likes with little to no technical experience, and would have no intention of disrupting the traditionally no GUI environments that a large portion of Minecraft Servers run on.
Back when I started using Bukkit I found a project called the BukkitGUI project which has/had a great interface and lots of options in the GUI for server administration. It also streamlined the process of adding plugins to your bukkit server. If the developer Bertware follows the Sponge community, once sponge is officially released he may make another GUI for it.
thanks mate for the info and link look great.
and should be usefull to have on a small home server.
I like the layout and simple look.
though you could use any minecraft version or launcher because there’s a option to select a generic java.
Was it not written in Java? Doesn’t that generally make it cross-platform? I never used BukkitGUI much (just toyed with it once or twice), so I could be wrong.
Surely this would be better as a wrapper project (like MCMA), especially if the whole concept is to make it appealing to users who aren’t really wise when it comes to servers?
This way they can restart the server and update it without having to worry about connecting to SSH, which was the whole idea of this web console, right?
There is no point adding a GUI into a program for convenience if it’s not going to be able to do all of what will be expected, if you ask me anyways
As a person who runs his server on a linux box with no graphic servers, display servers, etc and all I see is the “command line” I have no use for the GUI
If the GUI is optional, like the “nogui” tag at the end of your executable; I’m fine with that, but the GUI is honestly useless for me
If the devs make a simple GUI, I don’t mind; just make sure it’s not mandatory because I have no need for the waste of ram. (installing GUI on server box even if it’s as lite as LXDE) .
As for Unix/Linux compatibility, if this would be implemented using Java, it would most likely be cross-platform (assuming you are talking about an Linux/Unix OS with GUI support).
Considering that the main dev from Spacebukkit is part of this, it’s likely that we’ll see some sort of graphical interface. Whether in the the executable JAR or a localhost web interface.
@simon816 already created a reply pertaining to your question question @Niall7459 . BukkitGUI was written on the Microsoft .net Framework using VB.net. SpaceBukkit is a control panel for servers.
@DotDash, it’s a bit difficult to read your response, but I think I know what your saying. Members of the community can always take a crack at making a wrapper of their own for Sponge, the problem is the fact that the more popular ones weren’t written in Java, which is one of the easiest for cross-platform. Typically, wrappers are not favored in Linux environments as people hosting on Linux usually try to be as resource efficient as possible.
BukkitGui2 is in C#, meaning it only runs on windows. It might work on mono though (didn’t try it out yet)
BukkitGui (1.x) and BukkitGui2 do support JsonApi and can support other remote servers
a Gui in Java tends to be a memory hog: a web server would be less intensive in this case. (Proof: compare McMyAdmin (PhonicUk) , BukkitGui (me), … to McGui (Dumptruckman), Pail, …)
why not just enable an API, similar to JsonApi (credit for the latter goes to Alec Gorge) - info: http://mcjsonapi.com/ . Even a basic implementation would be enough to allow server wrappers and web control panels.
In any case, if you’re going to base a new UI on an existing project, don’t forget to give the original developers some credit
So you’re not using Visual Basic for this project? That’s cool.
As far as Mono goes, my latest download of MonoDevelop (or Xamarin Studio) is cool, but the default template that they use is bad. That, and Visual Studio just seems much easier to use IMHO. Bottomline is, you’re probably better off using Microsoft’s Native .net, and anyone who wants it elsewhere can give Mono a try.
I remember someone saying to use Qt, but C++ for a Minecraft server GUI seems senseless, moreover because of the effort in compiling for all systems. And like I said in my post above, anyone who is going to readily use Linux is probably using no GUI to save on performance.
I’ll probably be working on my own wrapper, or possibly Server Panel (which could use your API) and release it under the MIT License if I have enough time.