Sponge Skype Group

Over at HackForums.net I used to be in a Skype group.
It was quite funny sometimes, and when someone had a problem, people helped.
So, I’d like to have that for Sponge too…

If you’re interested, post your skype-name below or pm me! :wink:

You know my skype :smiley:
Please add me.

Added you both. :slight_smile:

Eh, why not? My skype is “aqwmauls”. Thanks.

Too bad Skype is a piece of garbage, why not just use #sponge on IRC?

@Brottweiler Dunno. :3
@Maulss Added you.

Good idea! :smiley:
Skype: maxiboy-

I want in!
Skype: Sinkas.mc
(Same avatar with here)

1 Like

Me too!
Skype: AaronHill1011

Skype: The_Doctors_Life

Adding you two.

Mine is on my profile page.

DotDash requested to add you.
Your skype is: DragonaPlaysMC

I’ve already been added.

oh lol :stuck_out_tongue:
DotDash can we chat on skype?

EDIT: In sponge skype chat


Add daelwolf, please.

You added me but you didn’t put me in the Group
(Skype: robin_debaets)

You are in the group. o.o

Sure why the heck not? My skype is the same as my username: cae1136