Minecon Update
Only 4 days until Minecon! We’re very excited to meet members of the community and have a great time. While our panel application was not successful, we have a awesome booth dedicated entirely to Sponge, courtesy of our new Sponsor:
We’ve been busy organising our Minecon Booth and the associated plans for the event. Mumfrey has created a render of our likely booth setup:
Be prepared to meet our amazing Booth Team there, comprised of @gabizou, @gratimax, @lukegb, @Mumfrey, @Me4502, @Owexz, and @DDoS. Also keep an eye out for @khobbits of Essentials and LexManos of Forge, who may be hanging out with us.
We will be holding a special Live-streamed Sponge Showcase Event from our booth on the weekend, we will announce the time on twitter (hint: go follow us! @SpongePowered). We’ll let everyone know as soon as we see the event schedule.
You’ll be able to identify the Sponge Team by our shirts, which feature our brand new Sponge Logo!
We also have some cool swag to hand out to those who visit our booth, however supplies are limited, so we will try to ensure that we have stock available on both days. Sponge Swag includes:
- SpongePowered Pens (These just came in yesterday!)
SpongePowered Mouse Pads
SpongePowered Mugs
Infinite SpongePowered Hugs (available on request, however don’t ask @Mumfrey for a hug unless you like being stared at with cold loathing)
Sponge Logo Update
As shown on the shirt above, there is a new Logo for the Sponge Project at last! This new Logo is the work of gratimax and Kornagan, and has been roundly endorsed by our staff. We hope you love it as much as we do, and be assured the cheery face of Spongie will be seen in many places soon.
API Update
Major API changes to major APIs are coming to fruition and some are already on their way to being merged, such as Data API’s enhancements with Values and @Deamon’s Populators! Overall, this brings the API to a more feature complete version and we strive to keep up with the dynamic changes in Minecraft itself. New API additions are still being desired! Do you think that we should represent some common interaction that we don’t have an API for yet? Request it! We’re always looking to get as much capability into the API as possible because the more we have in the API, the less we rely on previously known “NMS plugins”. This leads to a more stable plugin ecosystem.
Implementation Update
Multi-World changes are finally in! Both Sponge and SpongeVanilla now support multi-world API out of the box! Note that limited bug testing has been performed, so be aware there may be the occasional bug cropping up from various uses. Please report any issues or odd interactions you find to the appropriate repository and we’ll get them fixed ASAP.
Web Update
Work on Ore has been continuing apace, with a new staging instance up and running at https://ore-staging.spongepowered.org/
Docs Update
Always growing, and now featuring a glossary, SpongeDocs still has a backlog of API documentation waiting to be done. Tyrannokapi has sadly left the docs team (busy with real life), but there’s room for more volunteers, get in touch with @Inscrutable if you want to get involved. The “History of Sponge” document is almost ready, and a monster Pull Request explaining the Data API in detail is in the works. We will shortly have some new art assets to display and share, including the Spongie logo to be used at MineCon.