Sponge XenForo

What about it is unorganized? Also, the #1 feature of discourse is user-friendlyness, you couldn’t possibly be serious.


In discourse or in xenforo?

Do you even have to ask? :smile:
In its current form, Discourse is missing even the most basic text formatting options.
If there are plugins/extensions to provide more of them, that is a must to be implemented. Otherwise, from the text formatting point of view, Discourse is not much more evolved from the txt file. :smiley:

… bbcode and you can even do some html markup… not sure how much else you want from a forum…

I don’t like how to need to scroll down to read the comments, I would love the next page button lol. Makes it 100% easier for me. I’d also like to mention IP.Board, it’s also great forum tool :wink:

If we all throw $10 each towards it, to support ‘our’ community, it won’t really hurt the pocket.


it’s not why would you think that? You blithering idiot My good patron

A wise man once said:

You need go deeper

…maybe you should have spent at least 10 seconds clicking on one of the many formatting buttons or trying to type markdown.

Good day sir!

(if you can’t tell, this was a joke meant to show the formatting options)

EDIT: people seemed to not understand the intended bluntness in joking manner. I made another edit so it’ll be more “appealing” to you. (no, I’m not removing “blithering idiot” it is strikethroughed (so calm down) and the Brits need to conform to our Murican saying (not saying your British)! WHOOOOO FREEDOM!)


You still have to scroll to the next page button…

You can also use j and k to navigate posts on discourse (yes, vim controls)

I am going to be 100% frank about this. I hate Discourse, it is annoying, it is different than every other minecraft forum I have ever been on. Xenforo is a great $140 bucks to spend, or at least something similar to it. This just feels extremely weird and while I am getting used to working with it I still do not like most things about the interface itself. Xenforo is powerful and if this forum ever hopes to expand to accommodate the bulk of the minecraft developer community Discourse has to go.

I don’t think you understand, it already has accommodated the bulk of devs. The people here complaining are a tiny fraction of those who love discourse.

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Discourse and Xenforo are both powerful forums. Discourse is more oriented towards communication between people, lacking annoying pages which you need to flip though wasting time, and instead keeps all the posts in one spot. That’s one of the main reasons that we went with Discourse.

Sponge having a different forum system isn’t bad, in my opinion. It adds more originality to the community. I think this type of forum site is professional too and is free as well.


I haven’t done anything to deserve such rudeness and offensiveness in your reply, so I will refrain from commenting on it in this post. I have created separate thread for that purpose.

My point is that when the project starts delivering something usable there will be thousands of users coming to the forum and seeing only this:

as oposed to this on the default XenForo installation:

For the majority of them, coming to the forum with BBCode or Markdown reference books will (probably) not be what they expect, want or like.

The same applies here. Instead of bringing vim or similar cheatsheets, common user will probably want to have more “traditional” way of doing things around, even if it is boring.

Just to clarify, I do not care about XenForo. I am using it as an example because someone already named this thread that way. It is just that Discourse is way to different from the “traditional” forum solutions (to which XenForo) also belongs.
Being different just to be different, and sacrificing the functionality and comfort (for the potentially big number of users) for the sake of design, IMO makes no sense. To me it is better to be bored with things like XenForo then to have difficulties with things like Discourse. But, again, that is only my opinion. I do not think that anybody who is thinking differently is idiot. However, feel free to call me that way.

I don’t think that Discourse is bad. I just think that it is not the best solution for what we’re planning to use it for.

I think Xenforo will be good for Sponge for its Resource Manager, which can be used for a directory of Plugins

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XenForo is fantastic, I love XenForo and use it on my forums. It’s powerful and easy to use and sports many features and good looking additions to any normal board software. It’s well worth the $140.
I personally would be happy to help out too.


I totally agree with what @alex_mercer is saying about the resource manager. This would be extremely beneficial to Sponge in regarding to plugin management.

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I second this. The resource manager is fantastic. Yes, you have to pay for it. But I’m sure if you release a bit of software that everyone wants, you’ll get some support donations in no time.

Also, I like Discourse, it’s nice. But it doesn’t have that ‘community feel’ It’s too much like a social networking platform and doesn’t reflect a professional look in my opinion. XenForo is the way to go.

Also, gonna say this before it happens. Should Sponge explode in popularity, good luck trying to find a thread in that feed page. (The ‘Latest’ page)
It’ll move too quickly. +1 for XenForo :smile:

You can use keyboard controls to reply as well, just hit SHIFT-R! :smiley: you can also press ‘?’ to see other shortcuts

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I’m not sure why people are liking the new Forums. XenForo was so much nicer looking & was a lot easier to navigate.

The new forums just look like words covered in yellow, 2D sponges. :slight_smile:

Then go to the Categories page?

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You can also navigate by using the scroll wheel or up/down arrows. I don’t know how you can get more traditional than that.


You can’t find what?