Sponge8.1 plug-in, can be used on 8.2.1?

Sponge8.0,8.1 plug-in, can be used on Sponge8.2.1?
Sponge11, plug-in, can be used on Sponge8.2.1?

To your first question. Yes

Essentially, plugins should work if the number before the . matches with the rest being the same or lower then yours

As for a api 11 plugin working on 8, no. If you were running a api 11 server and wanting to run a api 8 plugin there is a chance of it working but not if the plugin requires a newer major version (first number)


I recommend checking the official Sponge forums or GitHub repositories for plugin compatibility information. It’s also helpful to join community discussions to hear about others’ experiences with specific plugins and their version compatibilities. Additionally, consider testing plugins in a staging environment first to avoid any surprises

Heres the official docs on the topic
