SpongeCommon in Maven Repo

I believe that SpongeCommon should be included in Sponge’s Maven Repo. I would very much like to use the updated tools to create custom Data API implementations it provides. I know SpongeForge is in the Maven Repo, but at the time of this post, the repo version has not been updated for almost a month.

Maven repo for SpongeForge is spongeforge

See metadata file http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/org/spongepowered/spongeforge/maven-metadata.xml

Oh, I guess I was using the wrong link. I had http://repo.spongepowered.org/maven for my maven repo link. It also looks like Sponge Docs have this old link as way. See: https://docs.spongepowered.org/en/plugin/workspace/dependencies.html

Edit: Never mind I am guessing there are separate maven repo links for the Sponge API and SpongeForge