The SpongeVanilla Community Server is the long-running official sponge demo server that we also use for State of Sponge. It is kept up-to-date with the latest (stable) version of SpongeVanilla, and a smattering of plugins that seem either really cool or quite useful. The server (kindly provided by Creeperhost) is managed by a small team ostensibly led by @Inscrutable. It contains little to no FLARD.
Staff List
Admin: Inscrutable, Worm424, Minecrell, Gravityfox, Tzky, Ryantheleach, Me4502
Mods: Meronat, Vectrix
The server is accessible at the IP: demo.spongepowered.org
This thread is for discussion of the plugins, worlds, features and general layout and operation of the server. Suggestions and constructive criticisms are welcome. Please keep screenshots to a minimum, or post them in a separate thread.
If you have a bug report or other issue to report for the server, please post in a separate thread and add [SV] to the header so we can tell it apart from Block19 SpongeForge server issues.
New server Staff members will be dragooned by existing staff. Applicants need not apply.