Start server in vanilla GUI

So, I’ve made a vanilla server, then abandoned it for creating a Sponge server from scratch. The docs say to not double click the jar file, so I start it from the command line. Is there a way to make the GUI that I got from double-clicking the jar file in my vanilla server?

The Minecraft server GUI console is disabled by Sponge.

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Zirconium is right, but they didn’t say what the reasoning was.

The reason I’ve heard is that the server GUI is very inperformant anyway, and that you will get a lot better performance benefits by just not using it.

I think but I’m not 100% that Forge also removes the GUI, so it may have also been a decision to keep SpongeVanilla consistent with SpongeForge if that is the case.


Forge doesn’t disable the gui, but you shouldn’t use it (the gui…) anyways. :wink:
If you want a gui i suggest a 3rd party gui, there are several available.
If you add SpongeForge to Forge, SF will also disable the gui.

Ok, I got it now. I guess the world won’t end if I have to use the command prompt. :slight_smile:

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