State of Sponge XXIV

SOS XXIV is now over, you can watch the recording at:

Congratulations to our Plugin Competition Winners:

  1. EagleFactions (by @Niebek)
  2. TaterComms (by @p0t4t0sandwich)
  3. Journey (by @whimxiqal)

Get ready to join us for State of Sponge XXIV! Currently scheduled for the 18th of November at 21:00 UTC.

We will be announcing the winners of our recent Sponge Plugin Competition and running on top of our latest SpongeVanilla 1.20.2 to showcase the state of API 11.

If you have any questions or comments you’d like to cover, feel free to submit them here ahead of time or during the discussion. As usual you can join us in-game on and view the stream live on Twitch


Wow!!! Just woke up and got a mini heart attack when I saw that. :laughing: I didn’t expect that!
Thank you so much! I am really happy to be a part of Sponge community! :smile:
Also, I would like to wish you all good luck with further Sponge development! :muscle: