Strange Bugs

Okay, so recently in my plugin I’ve been implementing a lot more stuff, and I’ve done things such as summon in lightning and use ProjectileLaunchEvent. I just have some strange bugs that I’m reasonably sure are in Sponge:

  1. ProjectileLaunchEvent is not called (100% sure bug is in Sponge)
  2. Lightning appears to be summoned twice (95% sure bug is in Sponge)

I did do debegging and all that lovely stuff, and ProjectileLaunchEvent is undoubtedly not being called when I shoot an arrow, and unless I missed something, lightning is being summoned twice (I checked, and I only spawn the Lightning entity once, yet it is being summoned twice. This could be my fault, maybe).

Anyways, I was just wondering if either of these are known, or maybe are already fixed, but not pushed… Any help would be appreciated.

I’m pretty sure that with the CauseTracking refactor underway, these issues will be resolved quite well. Also, currently, ProjectileLaunchEvent isn’t actually being thrown because it has yet to be implemented properly.

I think the lightning issue is now fixed.
ProjectileLaunchEvent is only implemented for when plugins call launchProjectile, not currently implemented when vanilla code fires projectiles.